subscribeCenFISNotes Banks' Accumulated Credit Losses in the First Quarter 8f49d63b-ea65-4036-a949-aee1327ae1ec Friday, 29 May 2020 6:43:0 EST Large banks reported sharply higher allowances for credit losses in the first quarter of 2020. This post documents and provides some context for the increase. Research on Paying with Cash and Checks 7b246833-93eb-424d-9921-9981cfec87d0 Thursday, 19 Mar 2020 4:53:0 EST Who uses checks? Who uses cash? This post reports on survey findings investigating the resilience of paper payment instruments. Bank Compensation and Regulation 40f87f0c-d388-4ac9-bef0-76b3c405284a Friday, 31 Jan 2020 5:51:0 EST Bank compensation practices are alleged to have contributed to the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis. This post reviews studies of bank compensation and postcrisis regulatory reforms. Financial System of the Future 3b58ebc9-8b1c-4cf2-a044-00be904c9aba Thursday, 21 Nov 2019 5:0:0 EST This post reviews some of the papers and presentations from an Atlanta Fed research workshop about the effect of post-crisis developments in regulation and technology on the financial system. Procyclicality: CECL versus Incurred Loss Model dea7ba11-c0f5-4f4a-8674-c7b9d675660e Thursday, 31 Oct 2019 10:29:0 EST Critics contend that switching from the incurred loss model for loan losses to current expected credit loss will make lending more procyclical (magnifying the fluctuations in an economic cycle). This post critiques that argument. Trusted Third Parties e5c48306-0199-4ca6-9c48-f0ac8b7d646d Wednesday, 28 Aug 2019 9:53:0 EST The creation of bitcoin was motivated by a desire to avoid trusted third parties in financial transactions. This post discusses the role of trusted third parties in reducing theft. Mapping the Financial Frontier 643609af-3b97-4469-b366-2e02b7a7f85d Monday, 24 Jun 2019 6:51:0 EST This post discusses the Atlanta Fed's Financial Markets Conference on Mapping the Financial Frontier: What Does the Next Decade Hold? Topics include data privacy, blockchain technology, and mortgage finance. Cashless Stores and Cash Users 5be3db3f-f676-4875-b7b1-484257409d9d Monday, 20 May 2019 6:49:0 EST With the emergence of cashless stores, how does this change affect consumers who lack credit or debit cards? This post characterizes consumers who pay cash for in-person purchases and those who do not have credit or debit cards. Fractional Reserve Cryptocurrency Banks 4865108d-9d1e-41a2-9c33-2d3c9ddeca4a Thursday, 25 Apr 2019 6:31:0 EST Some observers argue that widespread acceptance of cryptocurrency would eliminate banks. This post discusses the potential for cryptocurrency banks along with some related issues. Carry Factors: Characteristics and Informational Content dc372748-f388-4c45-bafd-d97f77771d33 Friday, 29 Mar 2019 12:8:0 EST This post discusses the informational content of carry factors for policy analysis. It highlights the predictive content of the bond and commodity carry, respectively, for recessions and inflation, and the commonality in the currency carry. Tech-Driven Financial Innovation in Banking 933dbbb4-5111-427d-a458-01e7fd01cf4d Tuesday, 22 Jan 2019 8:15:0 EST This post draws on the authors' recent working paper to highlight why research on financial innovation is important. It also discusses some data limitations that inhibit such research. Financial Stability Implications of New Technology 9cb3a921-42dd-4e7d-b97d-2538910b44d6 Thursday, 29 Nov 2018 5:40:0 EST This post reviews papers and presentations from an Atlanta Fed research workshop about the effects of new technology on financial stability. Consumer Credit, Blockchains, and Machine Learning 5b56464d-65d8-468f-aee1-cfd3aeb6624d Wednesday, 31 Oct 2018 9:59:0 EST Credit bureaus and credit scoring have had a profound impact on the consumer lending market. This post discusses the prospects for blockchains and machine learning to affect that market. China's Two-Pillar Policy for the Renminbi 43b13c23-bec9-4713-8522-7e3b368b8ba6 Friday, 28 Sep 2018 13:57:0 EST This post documents that between December 2015 and May 2017, the People's Bank of China followed a two-pillar exchange rate policy designed to achieve both stability and flexibility. Blockchain Challenges and Governance f1c9a0ba-2f53-4f64-a50d-2a331acc5d5f Monday, 30 Jul 2018 11:28:0 EST Some analysts are promoting blockchains as replacements for banks and other trusted third parties. The second of a two-part series, this post discusses the governance of blockchains.