Brad DeLong decides to put words in the Chairman's mouth.  Under the heading "Alan Greenspan Is Not A Happy Camper":

It is, he says, imperative to have an administration whose budget policy is not a clown show: / World / US - Greenspan warns on US fiscal discipline: Greenspan said it was ‘imperative to restore fiscal discipline’ in the United States to help narrow its huge current account deficit. He also said the country had to act before 2008 to prepare its finances for a coming wave of retiring ‘baby boomers’ and said if it failed to do so, there could be an adverse impact on bond markets...

I'm not sure about the exact context of that quotation -- I don't have my hands on the Q&A transcript yet, and it is not in the link contained in the DeLong post.  (I presume that the link now leads to an updated post at the FT.)  But I would bet a lot that the Mr. Greenspan would repudiate any implied criticism of the administration or its proposed budget.  The suggestion that he did is, to be extremely generous, misleading.  Brad knows this and, although I'm sure he is just trying to be clever, I would also bet a lot that he would rip any similarly "clever" presentation by someone on the right to shreds.  Those who live in glass houses...