We have gone live with a new feature on the Cleveland Fed website that we call "Inflation Central." As part of this feature, we have partnered with the International Labor Organization to provide the public with CPI data for 200 countries around the world (from Albania to Zimbabwe). You can choose monthly, quarterly, or annual series, chart up to four series at a time, and simultaneously download data for as many countries as you'd like.
We have also provided aggregated CPI measures for developed countries, transition countries, Asian and Pacific countries, Latin American and Caribbean countries, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Middle Eastern and North African countries. And, of course, there is a world inflation aggregate. The underlying data is the same that is provided to the IMF (except we'll tell you how we construct our aggregates!)
In addition you will find pages devoted to U.S. price statistics, which include a section where you can chart and download a variety of inflation measures (including the median and trimmed-mean CPI, our favorite core inflation statistics), as well as a section describing what the various measures are all about.
There's much more -- one of my favorite toys is the inflation calculator on the main page -- so have a visit and knock yourself out. We'd love to have feedback on how to make the site even better.