... wherein I send you elsewhere:

Tim Worstall suggests "some are beginning the predict the breakdown of the whole Euro project."

The Skeptical Speculator summarizes the global economy.

The Prudent Investor has a really interesting post on the other prospective Asian giant.

The Eclectic Econoclast takes a look at the U.S. productivity discussion (and provides a nice time-series picture of labor productivity growth from 1970 to 2004, taken from a Dallas Fed study.)


The Dead Parrot Society recommends CBO Director Douglas Hotz-Eakin's testimony on the economic effects of demographic change.

Tyler Cowen notes a new blog from the Tax Foundation.

Chairman Greenspan's speech today is covered by William Polley, by Calculated Risk, and by The Prudent Investor.

Brad Setser delves deep into the global savings glut hypothesis.  Don Boudreaux takes on Paul Krugman's observations on related matter. (The Krugman piece motivates William Polley too.)

Nouriel Roubini asks: "Latin America: Secular Change Leading to a New Paradigm for Growth or Cyclical/External Luck?"

(ed. -- How are you going to file this one Nicole?)