You've seen them, those funny-looking little squares. Like tribbles, "quick response" (QR) codes are everywhere—and, like tribbles, they seem to be propagating. You see them on billboards, magazines, real estate sale signs, and product packaging. QR codes are even being used for retail payments, as we discussed in an earlier Portals and Rails post. But like tribbles, the very fact of their ubiquity is creating a big challenge for those agencies and individuals concerned with consumer fraud protection.

Consider the findings from digital media company ComScore, which reports that in June 2011 alone, 14 million U.S. consumers scanned QR codes on their mobile phones. Nearly 50 percent of these were scanned from a printed magazine or newspaper.

Source of scanned QR code

The real problem with this large number of QR code scans is that consumers have no way to detect the presence of malware in the code before it is too late.

"Something you should be careful with"
A report by AVG Threat Labs escribes a number of cyber threats and exposure methods, including from QR codes: "Today QR symbols are showing on almost any ad you find on the street, at a conference or even online. Mobile users can simply scan the QR symbol using software on their mobile device and have their device transform it into meaningful information." However, the report also notes that QR codes can hide messages and URLs. They liken the execution of QRs to running unknown executables on a computer. The report continues: "Executing an unknown pattern of symbols on your trusted mobile or computer is something you should be careful with."

To illustrate this point, the report authors included this QR code with a hidden message for the reader to scan and discover what's behind the dots.

QR code

Here's a hint. If you can't—or, perhaps wisely, won't—scan this QR code, the message is simply a caveat for scanning QR codes.

What's next?
So how do businesses and consumers find protection from this new cyber-attack vector? Education and threat awareness by security professionals are key components of risk mitigation, as with all social engineering schemes. Standardization in code development may also provide safeguards against embedded malware, while also providing assurance to the user that the code comes from a trusted source.

Incidentally, the ease of using QR codes is prompting the payment industry to consider them as a way to facilitate electronic bill payment programs, as recently proposed by NACHA'S Council for Electronic Billing and Payment. The group is seeking feedback on proposed guidance for clear industry standards to minimize complexity and ease market adoption.

Cynthia MerrittBy Cynthia Merritt, assistant director of the Retail Payments Risk Forum