January/February 2012
Subscribe OnlineSoutheast Mortgage Performance Continued to Improve in the Fourth Quarter
2/29/2012 - In the Southeast, overall mortgage delinquency and foreclosure trends in the fourth quarter of 2011 improved year over year. However, only Georgia and Tennessee improved on a state level in every category, and Mississippi continues to struggle with mortgage delinquencies.
September 19–20: Save the Date for National Workforce Development Conference
2/29/2012 - The National Conference on Workforce Development will be held September 19–20 in Kansas City. The conference will focus on topics, including employment trends, shifts in worker demographics, and workforce training programs.
Harnessing Many Financing Sources to Benefit a Community
2/29/2012 - Two community development finance professionals discuss their strategies to support the expansion of a community health care center in a low-income neighborhood in New Orleans.
June 20–22: Mark Your Calendars for the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference
2/29/2012 - The Reclaiming Vacant Properties conference will be held June 20–22 in New Orleans. The conference will bring together community and government leaders, bankers, and local residents to explore revitalization efforts.
Tax Relief? An Innovative Proposal to Nurture New Entrepreneurs
02/21/2012 - Bob Friedman of the Corporation for Enterprise Development discusses how federal tax preparation assistance for new businesses and the self-employed could facilitate job creation.
Crowdsourcing for the Common Good: A Community Development Approach
2/3/2012 - Crowdsourcing—engaging web users in a particular project—may prove to be a valuable tool for decision making among government and nonprofit entities. A crowdsourcing technique that promotes engagement and creative problem solving can empower citizens and maximize benefits to a community.
Retrofitting Institutions: Feeding Job Growth with Energy Hogs
01/25/2012 - Satya Rhodes-Conway and James Irwin, senior associates at the Center on Wisconsin Strategy, discuss how retrofitting public and institutional buildings spurs job creation in the real estate sector while reducing building operating costs.
Trash to Treasure: Turning Waste into Jobs
01/25/2012 - Instead of sending waste to landfills, a municipal approach that prioritizes the reuse, recycling, and remanufacture of materials can provide a range of new jobs. Georgia Tech's Nancey Green Leigh discusses how to create jobs from the waste diversion process.
Fed Gov. Speaks on Community Bank Examination and Supervision
1/18/2012 - Fed Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin discussed how the Federal Reserve's approach to community bank examination and regulation aims to avoid stifling of lending in a recovering economy.
May 9–11: Plan to Attend the Community Development Conference on the Changing Role of Cities
1/18/2012 - The Reinventing Older Communities: Building Resilient Cities conference will be held May 97–11, 2012, in Philadelphia. Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will deliver a keynote address at the conference.
The Board Issues White Paper on National Housing Market
1/6/2012 - The Federal Reserve Board recently published a white paper on current conditions in the U.S. housing market. The paper provides a framework for thinking about some of the key housing policy issues and discusses options that policymakers might consider.
Call for Papers: Feb. 15 Deadline for the Cleveland Fed's 10th Policy Summit
1/6/2012 - The Cleveland Fed invites submissions of papers by February 15 for its 10th annual Policy Summit, held June 28–29 in Cleveland. An extended abstract or draft of the research paper should be sent to policysummit@clev.frb.org.
Register Now for the March 25–28 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference
Don't miss the 2012 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference, which will be held March 25–28, 2012, in Seattle, Washington.