January/February 2014
Subscribe OnlineLearn about Innovative Vacant Foreclosure Strategies
The Cleveland Fed will live stream its one-day event, "Getting Back in Gear: Better Ways to Move Stalled and Vacant Foreclosures Forward," on March 11. National and regional experts will share their perspectives on the problem and highlight promising approaches.
Help for Difficult-to-Employ Populations: Colocating Jobs and Training Opportunities
02/26/2014 - Can business models be designed to support low-income populations by providing jobs, necessary training, and other support services? Carla Javits and Jason Trimiew at the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund discuss their proposal for viable businesses that also include a workforce development component.
Atlanta Fed to Host CDFI Fund Training Workshop
The Atlanta Fed will host a training workshop on March 5–6 as part of the CDFI Fund's capacity-building series on financing community health centers (CHCs). The training will provide information on trends in health care, credit needs, and more.
Save the date for National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference
Register today for the 2014 conference, a premier training and networking event for community development professionals.
Plan to Attend National Workforce Development Conference
The conference will bring together national experts to examine strategies and policies to improve opportunities for job seekers in today's competitive environment. The event will be held October 15–17 in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Global and Local Reach: Gauging the Impact of Immigration
01/27/2014 - What are the economic development implications of immigration, and how can communities leverage immigrants as key workforce assets? Denny Coleman of the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership and Michael Iacovazzi-Pau of Greater Louisville Inc. discuss findings from a recent IEDC report.
Register for the Reinventing Older Communities Conference
The sixth biennial conference will explore how entrepreneurs are reinventing cities, the country's changing demographics and their impact on urban renewal, innovations in funding and financing, and more. Register early to get special rate.