Frontline health care positions represent some of the fastest-growing job categories in the country, but they are often marked by low wages, few benefits, and difficult working conditions. What types of practices and policies can help improve employment outcomes for employees, employers, and patients?
Join community development practitioners from across the country at 3:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, August 14 for a webinar session on the topic. Featured speakers will include Steven L. Dawson of the Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute, Jan Hunter of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, and Steven Shepelwich of the Kansas City Fed.
The session will explore new research findings on how the Affordable Care Act is affecting the roles, career paths, and training of frontline caregivers.
Register for this interactive session at the Connecting Communities® website. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.
This event is part of the Federal Reserve's Connecting Communities® series, a national initiative intended to provide community development practitioners, financial institution representatives, policymakers, and others with timely information on emerging and important community and economic development topics.