Interested in learning about trends in household financial behaviors and sentiments and how those have changed during the economic recovery?

Join community development practitioners from across the country at 3 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday, August 26, for a webinar session that will feature highlights from a report Adobe PDF file formatOff-site link summarizing the Federal Reserve's Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED) of 2013.

The report provides a snapshot of the self-perceived financial and economic well-being of U.S. households and addresses many key topics, including housing and living arrangements, credit behavior and access to credit, savings, education and student loans, retirement, and health insurance coverage and expenses. Overall, the report highlights that many households are faring well, but that sizable fractions of the population were at the same time displaying signs of financial stress.

Featured speakers will include Anna Alvarez Boyd, David Buchholz, Max Schmeiser, and Jeff Larrimore, all from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

RegisterOff-site link for this interactive session at the Connecting Communities® website. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.

This event is part of the Federal Reserve's Connecting Communities® series, a national initiative intended to provide community development practitioners, financial institution representatives, policymakers, and others with timely information on emerging and important community and economic development topics.