Providing access to transportation can be an important tool for economic mobility and growth, especially for low- and moderate-income households. Transit development in neighborhoods provides its residents with increased access to quality housing, jobs, education, and health care. Equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD) is a method of economic development referring to investments in public transportation that should benefit everyone in nearby neighborhoods, regardless of socioeconomic status.

However, how can we ensure that ETOD projects actually benefit everyone? Equitable Transit-Oriented Development: Increasing Connectivity and Mobility for AllOff-site link, a St. Louis Fed webinar will address this question and others relating to transit-oriented development. During the webinar, national experts will highlight communities and projects that are models in achieving equitable growth around transit and that have improved residents’ access to housing, jobs, education, and health care.

Webinar speakers include Stephanie Pollack, secretary and CEO of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation; Brian Prater, senior vice president of Strategic Development and Corporate Affairs for the Low Income Investment Fund; and Dan Bartholomay, CEO of Rail~Volution.

At the end of the session, Bartholomay and others will share highlights for the October Rail~Volution conferenceOff-site link, which will be held in Dallas and is cosponsored by several Federal Reserve Banks.

Register for the August 20 webinar hereOff-site link. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.

These events are part of the Federal Reserve's Connecting Communities® series, a national initiative intended to provide community development practitioners, financial institution representatives, policymakers, and others with timely information on emerging and important community development topics.