September/October 2015
Subscribe OnlineEducational Attainment and Labor Market Outcomes
10/21/2015 - What happens in metropolitan labor markets that are successful at attracting and retaining residents with a bachelor or higher degree? This article previews a discussion paper that investigates labor market outcomes in "leader metros."
Community Reinvestment Act: How Much Is It Worth in the Southeast?
10/16/2015 - Community development practitioners want to know how much banks are investing in a particular geography, as that information could help them "right-size" their strategy for bank partnerships. This second article on the CRA provides an approximate figure for the Southeast.
Fed Board's Community Advisory Council Members Selected
09/30/2015 - The new council is comprised of individuals from across the country who have consumer and community development expertise. They will provide advice to the Board on a wide range of policy matters. In this article, learn who will represent the Southeast.
Learn about New Book on Workforce Development Policies
09/24/2015 - The book explores how innovative policies and practices can meet the changing needs of workers, businesses, and their communities in the 21st century. The Atlanta and Kansas City Feds collaborated with the Heldrich Center on the project. In this article, you can download the book and learn more.