On September 22, the Federal Reserve Board announcedOff-site link the names of 15 individuals selected to serve as members of its new Community Advisory Council (CAC). The council is comprised of individuals with consumer and community development expertise. They will provide important information and advice to the Board on a wide range of policy matters.

More than 1,000 candidates responded to the Board's public invitation to serve on the council. CAC members will have one-, two-, or three-year staggered terms to provide the CAC with continuity. Arden Shank, president and chief executive officer of Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, will represent the Southeast. Shank brings 30 years of diverse nonprofit housing and community development experience to the CAC and has been a longtime leader in the South Florida community, participating on a number of local boards. "We are fortunate that Arden has been selected among the many talented community development professionals we have in the Southeast. I am looking forward to him bringing his highly informed perspectives to the Federal Reserve's CAC," said Todd Greene, Atlanta Fed vice president and community affairs officer.

The first meeting of the CAC will be held at the Board November 20, 2015. A meeting summary will be posted shortly after. Learn moreOff-site link about the CAC and its new members.