March/April 2016
Subscribe OnlineInnovative Ways to Finance Workforce Development
04/26/2016 - In the wake of declining federal funding, how can workforce development programs attract new capital? A new discussion paper probes potential new funding models.
Understanding Heirs' Properties in the Southeast
04/19/2016 - Heirs' properties are parcels of land inherited by descendants of a previous owner who did not leave a will. This type of ownership is widespread in the Southeast and disproportionately found in low-income ethnic and racial minority families. This article examines the social and economic issues associated with these properties.
Putting a Human Face on Eviction
04/07/2016 - What's behind the increasing rate of tenant evictions across the country? Harvard's Matthew Desmond, author of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, discussed the lack of affordable housing and shared haunting personal stories from his book at a recent Atlanta Fed event. Learn more in this article.
Data Tools for Dynamic Communities
03/17/2016 - Mapping and data visualization tools can have significant applications in the community and economic development field. This article examines two tools that help evaluate housing and transportation costs.
Participate in Webinar on Evidence-Based Practices
03/17/2016 - The March 22 webinar will address how to build evidence-based workforce development practice using case studies from initiatives in New York City and Chicago. Register to participate in the March 22 event, find details in this article.
Characteristics of Negative Equity in Southeastern Neighborhoods
03/10/2016 - Housing has rebounded in some parts of the country, but cities like Atlanta and Jacksonville still have a number of homes underwater, or worth less than the mortgage owed. This article previews a discussion paper on the factors associated with negative equity in the region.