More than 10 million residents of the Southeast live in small cities and metropolitan areas with populations under 500,000. What factors influence the economic trajectory of these smaller cities? And how do small cities compare to one another in terms of the potential they offer for economic growth and development?
To help answer these questions, Will Lambe of the Atlanta Fed's community and economic development team created the Small City Economic Dynamism Index, an interactive data tool. In the August 24 ECONversation, learn how and why Lambe and his team built the index and what their work can tell us about the present and future of economic growth and development in small cities. Register for the webcast, which starts at 2:00 p.m. ET.
ECONversations explore the economics behind subjects like oil prices, the cost of living, GDP, and now small metros. Have a question about small cities? Tune in and ask Lambe during the live webcast.