Check out videos, presentations, infographics, and other resources from the Federal Reserve System's 10th Biennial Community Development Research Conference.
On March 23–24 in Washington, DC, hundreds of researchers, community development practitioners, and policymakers gathered at Strong Foundations: The Economic Futures of Kids and Communities. The conference explored the roles early childhood development and community development play in shaping economic opportunity. Join in the exploration by viewing the materials featured on the conference web page, including:
- Videos of keynotes and plenary sessions. Catch Laurence Steinberg of Temple University on adolescent brain development, Harlem Children's Zone founder Geoffrey Canada's energizing keynote on the nonprofit's work, or a featurette starring young scholars from two public schools in DC.
- Presentations, papers, and posters on an array of topics. Learn about the impact of housing vouchers on academic outcomes from Syracuse University's Amy Schwartz, the effects of distressed housing on school readiness from Case Western Reserve University's Francisca Garcia-Cobian Richter and coauthors, or the geography of high-quality childcare from Ira Goldstein of the Reinvestment Fund.
- A set of six infographics depicting key themes from the conference. We encourage you to download the images and use them in your work.
- News articles and blog posts that highlight speakers and sessions. New posts are added as attendees continue to draw lessons and inspiration from the event.
We hope these resources will spark more thinking, discussion, and partnerships around the development of kids and their communities.
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