Register now for the 2018 Reinventing Our Communities: Investing in Opportunity conference. The Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Richmond and Johns Hopkins 21st Century Cities Initiative are cohosting the biennial national conference taking place Monday, October 1 through Wednesday, October 3 at the Hilton Baltimore.
The conference will highlight effective models for investing different forms of capital to enable individuals to contribute to and derive benefit from an expanding economy. The event will include insightful plenary discussions, keynote addresses, and concurrent sessions that examine how to invest in opportunity by building and mobilizing four types of capital:
- Financial capital: resources measured in terms of monetary value
- Human capital: the knowledge, experience, ability, and creativity of people
- Physical capital: real assets, including real estate, land, and infrastructure
- Social capital: networks and relationships that connect people, create value, and enable change.
Check out the agenda to see speaker and session specifics, and register soon to reserve your spot! Follow @philfedcomdev and #Reinventing18 to stay abreast of conference updates.