Monetary and Financial History Workshop - May 23-24, 2022

Location: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Organized by Michael Bordo (Rutgers University), Will Roberds (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), and Warren Weber (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)


Monday, May 23  
1:00 p.m. Introductory remarks
Paula Tkac, Senior Vice President and Associate Director of Research
Session #1: Monetary/Fiscal Interactions
Chair: Ellis Tallman, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

"Muddling Through or Tunnelling Through? UK Monetary and Fiscal Exceptionalism During the Great Inflation" Adobe PDF file format
Presenters: Michael Bordo, Rutgers University, Oliver Bush, Bank of England, and Ryland Thomas, Bank of England* 
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Discussant: Joshua Hausman, Michigan
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
  "Three World Wars: Fiscal-Monetary ConsequencesAdobe PDF file format
Presenters: George Hall, Brandeis University, and Thomas J. Sargent, New York University*
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Discussant: Christopher Meissner, University of California–Davis
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
  "The Recovery of 1933Adobe PDF file format
Presenter: Eric Leeper, University of Virginia*
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Authors: Margaret Jacobson, Indiana Universityand Bruce Preston, University of Melbourne
Discussant: Kris Mitchener, Santa Clara University
3:15 Break  
3:45 Session #2: Panel on Current Inflation in Historical Perspective
Chair: Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University

Panelist: Robert Hetzel, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, retired
Background paper: "Resuscitating the Monetarist-Keynesian Debate to Predict the Consequences of the Federal Reserve's Pandemic Monetary PolicyAdobe PDF file format
Background paper: "How the FOMC Can Start Learning" Adobe PDF file format
  Panelist: Jeremy Rudd, Federal Reserve Board of Governors*
Background paper: "The Anatomy of Single-Digit Inflation in the 1960sAdobe PDF file format
Background paper: "Why Do We Think That Inflation Expectations Matter for Inflation? (And Should We?)Adobe PDF file format
  Panelist: Mickey Levy, Berenberg Capital Markets
Background paper: "The Fed's Monetary Policy Exit Once Again Behind the CurveAdobe PDF file format
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
5:15 Reception  
6:00 Dinner
Keynote: Barry Eichengreen, University of California–Berkeley*
"A Thousand Years of Paper Currency, and What Comes Next"
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Tuesday, May 24  
8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast  
Session #3
Chair: Peter Rousseau, Vanderbilt University

"At Your Service! Liquidity Provision and Risk Management in 19th Century FranceAdobe PDF file format
Presenter: Maylis Avaro, University of Pennsylvania
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Discussant: Angela Redish, University of British Columbia
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
  "The Berlin Stock Exchange in the 'Great Disorder'"
Presenter: Caroline Fohlin, Emory University
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Coauthor: Stephanie Collet, Deutsche Bundesbank
Discussant: Eugene White, Rutgers University
10:30 Break  
11:00 Session #4: Panel on the Past and Future of Money
Chair: Warren Weber, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, retired*

Panelist: Marc Flandreau, University of Pennsylvania*
Panelist: Gary Gorton, Yale University*
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Panelist: François Velde, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
12:30 p.m. Lunch  
1:30  Session #5
Chair: Angela Vossmeyer, Claremont McKenna College

"Bad News Bankers: Underwriter Reputation and Contagion in Pre-1914 Sovereign Debt MarketsAdobe PDF file format
Presenter: Sasha Indarte, University of Pennsylvania
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Discussant: Jonathan Rose, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
  "The Macroeconomic Impact of the American Civil WarAdobe PDF file format
Presenter: Marc Weidenmier, Chapman University
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Discussant: Mark Carlson, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
3:00 Break  
3:30 Session #6: Panel on the Evolution of Federal Reserve's Mission and Governance
Chair: David Wheelock, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Panelist: Sarah Binder, George Washington University*
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Panelist: Lev Menand, Columbia University*
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Panelist: Ned Prescott, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Presentation Adobe PDF file format
Background paper: "Federal Reserve Structure, Economic Ideas, and Monetary and Financial Policy" Adobe PDF file format
5:00 Adjournment  
*Attending virtually