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The break with England allowed for a fresh start on American coinage. Many new coins issued both by states and private producers appeared before the turn of the century.
This Nova Constellatio cent was probably struck in England An ad on a coin
Nova Constellatio cent likely struck in England ad struck on coin
The Washington grate cent and the Liberty & Security halfpenny The word “cent” appeared first on this Massachusetts coin
Washington grate cent
Washington grate cent
Liberty & Security halfpenny
Liberty & Security halfpenny
"cent" first appears on Massachusetts coin
The Fugio cent of 1787 was the first coin authorized by Congress The Fugio cent was based on the design of this coin
Fugio cent of 1787--first coin authorized by Congress Fugio cent of 1787--first coin authorized by Congress coin that inspired the design of the Fugio cent coin that inspired the design of the Fugio cent
These coins are from the first U.S. Mint
copper cent
Copper cent
copper half-cent
Copper half-cent
silver disme
Silver disme
silver half disme
Silver half disme
silver dollar
Silver dollar
silver half-dollar
Silver half-dollar
silver quarter-dollar
Silver quarter-dollar
$10 gold eagle
Gold eagle, $10
$5 gold half eagle
Gold half eagle, $5
$2.50 gold quarter eagle
Gold quarter eagle, $2.50
This coin may have been Washington’s fork
"Washington silver" half disme
“Washington silver” half disme