The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta announces the Americas Center Graduate Dissertation Internship for Ph.D. students writing dissertations in the field of economics on topics that have a direct link to Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of the internship program is to encourage and support research on topics that are of interest to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

One graduate student will be selected. The internship will take place over the summer of 2018 for a period of eight weeks (dates are flexible). The intern will receive a stipend of $1,100 per week and the Bank will pay for one round-trip airfare between the student's principal residence and Atlanta. The Bank also will furnish office space, a computer, and technical support in the Bank's Research Department. Interns will pay their own living expenses. Interns are expected to make significant progress on their dissertation while at the Bank and are expected to make two formal presentations of their research to Bank staff. While in residence the intern will also be invited to consult with staff from the Research Department and other areas of the Bank.

Applications are open to Ph.D. students from all Ph.D.-granting colleges and universities. Applicants must have passed their qualifying examinations and must be at the dissertation stage of their program. Applicants must send a curriculum vitae, their dissertation proposal, and a brief letter of recommendation from their principal academic adviser commenting on the applicant's topic, its importance to the profession, and progress that has been made to date.

Applications should be sent to

Stephen Kay
Research Department
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree St., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309-4470

or e-mailed to Stephen Kay

The deadline for receiving applications is March 16, 2018.