Ashley Bozarth
Research Analyst, Center for Workforce and Economic
Ashley Bozarth is a community and economic development (CED) research analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, specializing in workforce development policy supporting the Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity. She holds a bachelor's degree in anthropology and French from the University of Georgia and a master's degree in city and regional planning from Georgia Institute of Technology. At Georgia Tech, her research focused on permanent supportive housing, Housing First policies, and immigrant/refugee integration into planning. Before pursuing her graduate degree, she taught kindergarten and second grade at an elementary school in Philadelphia as well as English as a second language in Lyon, France.
Ashley Bozarth. "Racial Disparities in the Labor Market." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Workforce Currents (February 2018).
Ashley Bozarth. "Career Pathways in a Changing Labor Market." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Workforce Currents (January 2018).
Ashley Bozarth and Whitney M. Strifler. “Strengthening Workforce Development in Rural Areas.” Investing in America’s Workforce Special Topic Brief (March 2019).
Todd Greene and Ashley Bozarth. “The Critical Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Workforce Development.” From Investing in America’s Workforce: Improving Outcomes for Workers and Employers. Kalamazoo: MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (November 2018).
Stuart Andreason, Ashley Bozarth, Brooke DeRenzis, Melissa Johnson, Rachel Hirsch, and Andrew Pack. “Building a Skilled Workforce for a Stronger Southern Economy.” Atlanta Fed’s Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity, St. Louis Fed, and National Skills Coalition (June 2018).