Information to help homeowners with problem mortgage loans identify alternatives to foreclosure and better communicate with counselors and lenders in finding solutions.
Resources to help community leaders assess their foreclosure situation, reduce preventable foreclosures, provide support to troubled homeowners, and stabilize neighborhoods.
Created by NeighborWorks America and designed to help communities respond to local problems that arise when foreclosed homes remain vacant, the site enables community development practitioners to share success stories and learn what works to reverse the many negative impacts of foreclosure.
Putting Data to Work: Data-Driven Approaches to Strengthening Neighborhoods
This publication of the Fed Board of Governors shares examples of the innovative ways in which communities are building data systems to improve knowledge of local demographic trends and then to target their limited resources to most effective use.
REO and Vacant Property Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization
A summit examining the effects of foreclosed and vacant properties on the community was held September 1 and 2, 2010, at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, D.C.
Find quick references and contacts for foreclosure prevention assistance and other information in your state.
Research, publications, speeches, and data related to foreclosure and stabilization activity throughout the Sixth District and the nation., an online compilation of community development resources from all 12 Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors
Information on banking regulation related to mortgage lending and consumer protection.
Board adopts policy statement supporting prudent commercial real estate (CRE) loan workouts
Board to implement consumer compliance supervision program of nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies and foreign organizations
Board annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures
Board issues final rule amending home mortgage provisions of Regulation Z
Board approves final rules revising disclosure requirements for mortgage loans under Regulation Z
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003
Federal Reserve Regulations, Board list of all regulations, Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, U.S. Department of the Treasury