The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks in the United States that, with the Board of Governors in Washington, DC, make up the Federal Reserve System—the nation's central bank. Since its establishment by an act of Congress in 1913, the Federal Reserve System's primary role has been to foster a sound financial system and a healthy economy.

The Atlanta Fed's leadership structure oversees all operations and ensures the Bank operates transparently and with integrity. Directors provide economic information, have broad oversight responsibility for their bank's operations, and, with the Board of Governors' approval, appoint the bank's president and first vice president. Our advisory councils, made up of industry leaders in the Sixth District, provide economic information about specific industries that helps inform our monetary policymaking. The Atlanta Fed's executive leadership committee and officers provide strategic, senior-level policy and management direction for the Bank's region.

The Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Banks annually prepare and release audited financial statements reflecting balances (as of December 31) and income and expenses for the year then ended. Every year, an independent public accounting firm audits the Atlanta Fed's financial statements.

Each year, the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta provides a congressional report summarizing the office's actions with regard to the requirements under Section 342 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.

The Atlanta Fed is committed to transparency, so we make documents and information, including about our president's finances and public activities, available on our website.

The Atlanta Fed's annual reports from 2011 to 2023 are available on our website. Reports for the years 1980 to 2010 are available in our archives. For reports from the years 1915 to 1979, see the Federal Reserve's online archive FRASER.