Organized by Marco Del Negro, Ellis Tallman, and Tao Zha. This conference was inspired by, and organized under the guidance of, the late Bruce D. Smith, University of Texas at Austin.

FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2003
8:15 A.M. Registration and buffet breakfast
8:45 Welcoming remarks
JACK GUYNN, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
9:00 Impacts of Priors on Convergence and Escapes from Nash Inflation Adobe PDF Document
THOMAS J. SARGENT, New York University and Hoover Institution
NOAH WILLIAMS, Princeton University

Discussant: LARS PETER HANSEN, University of Chicago
10:00 Money and Prices in Models of Bounded Rationality Adobe PDF Document
ALBERT MARCET, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
JUAN PABLO NICOLINI, Universidad Torquato Di Tella, Buenos Aires

Discussant: MICHAEL WOODFORD, Princeton University
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Implications for Monetary Policy of Costly Information Flow
CHRISTOPHER A. SIMS, Princeton University

Discussant: NARAYANA R. KOCHERLAKOTA, Stanford University
12:15 P.M. Buffet lunch
1:30 Policy Interaction, Expectations, and the Liquidity Trap Adobe PDF Document
GEORGE W. EVANS, University of Oregon
SEPPO HONKAPOHJA, University of Helsinki

Discussant: IN-KOO CHO, University of Illinois
Comments Adobe PDF Document
2:30 Learning About Monetary Policy Rules When Long-Horizon Expectations Matter Adobe PDF Document
BRUCE J. PRESTON, Princeton University

Discussant: SEPPO HONKAPOHJA, University of Helsinki
Comments Adobe PDF Document
3:30 Coffee break
4:00 Did the Great Inflation Occur Despite Policymaker Commitment to a Taylor Rule? Adobe PDF Document
JAMES B. BULLARD, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
STEFANO EUSEPI, New York University

Discussant: MARK GERTLER, New York University
5:00 Inflation Scares and Forecast-Based Monetary Policy Adobe PDF Document
ATHANASIOS ORPHANIDES, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
JOHN C. WILLIAMS, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Discussant: PETER IRELAND, Boston College
Comments Adobe PDF Document
7:00 Reception
7:30 Dinner and speaker
8:30 Introduction of speaker
ROBERT EISENBEIS, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Speaker: LARS E.O. SVENSSON, Princeton University
Text of speech Adobe PDF Document
8:15 A.M. Continental breakfast
8:45 Learning and Monetary Regime Shifts (links off-site)
FRANK SCHORFHEIDE, University of Pennsylvania

Discussant: HARALD UHLIG, Humboldt University of Berlin
9:45 Modest Policy Interventions Adobe PDF Document
ERIC M. LEEPER, Indiana University
TAO ZHA, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Discussant: LEE OHANIAN, University of California Los Angeles
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Drifts and Volatilities: Monetary Policies and Outcomes in the Post–World War II United States Adobe PDF Document
TIMOTHY COGLEY, Arizona State University
THOMAS J. SARGENT, New York University and Hoover Institution

Discussant: MARCO DEL NEGRO, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Comments Adobe PDF Document
Noon Final remarks
BEN S. BERNANKE, Member, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
12:30 P.M. Buffet lunch
2:00 Adjournment
One hour is allocated for each paper and discussion: forty minutes for the paper presentation, ten minutes for the discussant, ten minutes for open floor discussion.