Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Advising the debate on monetary policy takes many forms. In addition to keeping track of macroeconomic and financial market information, the Federal Reserve System employs many economists who focus their research on microeconomic issues. Fundamentally, the macroeconomy consists of individual people and firms making everyday decisions that culminate in outcomes at the macro level. Understanding what moves the macroeconomy essentially boils down to understanding decisions made at the firm and individual levels. In order to acknowlege and support the microeconomic research going on across the Fed System, the System Research Advisory Committee (SRAC) formed the Committee on Applied Microeconomics in 2004. This move formalized the annual meetings of Fed microeconomists that had been taking place since 2001. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta will be hosting the seventh annual Applied Microeconomics System Research Committee Conference. The conference will be held in Atlanta on May 24–25, 2007. The conference will provide a forum in which research economists across the system with an interest in microeconomic issues, methodologies, and policy can gather to share ideas and present current research. The format of the conference is typically structured as a workshop. The amount of time devoted to each paper allows for a generous presentation and extensive discussion.