Thursday, April 3
8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast
9:00 Welcoming Remarks
Dennis Lockhart, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
9:15 Session I: Historical Perspectives on Payment Systems
Ellis Tallman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

"Coin Size and Payments in Commodity Money Systems " pdf document
Angela Redish, University of British Columbia, and Warren Weber, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

François Velde, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
10:00 Break
10:30 Session II: Studies of Wholesale Payment Systems
Morten Bech, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

"Towards a Network Description of Interbank Payment Flows" pdf document
Marc Pröpper, Iman van Lelyveld, and Ronald Heijmans, De Nederlandsche Bank

James Chapman, Bank of Canada

"A Model of Tiered Settlement Networks" pdf document
James Chapman, Jonathan Chiu, and Miguel Molico, Bank of Canada

Marco Galbiati, Bank of England
Noon Lunch
2:00 p.m.

Session III: Theory of Retail Payment Systems
Gene Amromin, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

"Consumer Choice and Merchant Acceptance of Payment Media: A Unified Theory" pdf document
Wilko Bolt, De Nederlandsche Bank, and Sujit Chakravorti, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Cyril Monnet, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

"Market Structure and Credit Card Pricing: What Drives the Interchange?" pdf document
Zhu Wang, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Jean-Charles Rochet, University of Toulouse

3:30 Break

Session IV: Choice of Payments by Consumers I
David Skeie, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

"Consumer Homing on Payment Cards: From Theory to Measurement" pdf document
Chris Snyder and Jonathan Zinman, Dartmouth College

Joanna Stavins, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

"Financial Innovation and the Persistence of the Extensive Margin" off-site image
Kim Huynh, Indiana University

Fumiko Hayashi, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

5:30 Reception
6:30 Dinner

Friday, April 4
8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast

Session I: Payments in Search-Theoretic Models of Exchange
Antoine Martin, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

"Inflation and Intermediation Frictions" pdf document
Gabriele Camera, University of Iowa, and Francesco Ruscitti, Yeshiva University

Valerie Bencivenga, University of Texas

"Counterfeiting as Private Money in Mechanism Design" pdf document
Ricardo Cavalcanti, Getulio Vargas Foundation, and Ed Nosal, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

David Mills, Board of Governors

10:30 Break

Session II: Invited Lecture

"Information and Liquidity" pdf document
Randy Wright, University of Pennsylvania

Noon Lunch
1:30 p.m.

Session III: Choice of Payments by Consumers II
Carlos Arango, Bank of Canada

"The Demand for Currency versus Debitable Accounts: A Reconsideration" pdf document
David Bounie, Telecom Paris, Abel François, University of Strasbourg, and Nicolas Houy, Cergy-Pontoise University

Travis Nesmith, Board of Governors

2:15 Break

Session IV: Empirical Studies of Payment Cards
Scott Schuh, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

"The Impact of Wealth on Inattention: Evidence from Credit Card Repayments" pdf document
Barry Scholnick, University of Alberta, Nadia Massoud, York University, and Anthony Saunders, New York University

Irina Telyukova, University of California at San Diego

"Debit versus Credit: A Model of Self-Control with Evidence from Checking Accounts" pdf document
Marc Fusaro, East Carolina University

Ron Borzekowski, Board of Governors

4:15 Adjournment