Debate and Confirm: A Supervisory Discussion Series

A conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Policy and Supervisory Studies Group

Conference Location
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Conference Center, Third Floor
1000 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309

In the aftermath of the recent economic and real estate recession, many banks have begun to revisit their business models. With the majority of analysts arguing that a reduced reliance on real estate is necessary, where will banks turn to for growth? Small business lending has been cited as one area that banks could embrace. What skills will banks need to employ to succeed in such a competitive setting? What are some of the challenges and opportunities banks may soon encounter? Furthermore, as banks work to reinvent themselves, will recently passed regulatory reform help or harm their cause?

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Preliminary Agenda

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome Remarks
Michael Johnson, Senior Vice President, Supervision & Regulation and Credit & Risk Management, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Economic Building Blocks: Past, Present, and Future
Edmund Clark, President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group

Addressing the New Regulatory Architecture and Its Financial Industry Impact (Industry Panel)
Kathryn Edge, Member, Miller & Martin PLLC
Andrew Freeman, SVCS—MK Director, Center for Banking Solutions, Deloitte
Chip MacDonald, Partner, Jones Day
Donald Vangel, Advisor, Regulatory Affairs—Office of the Chairman, Ernst & Young LLP
James Young, President and CEO, Citizens Trust Bank

Michael Handelman,
Banking & Policy Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Embracing Small Business Lending: Truths and Myths (Industry Panel)
Zoltan Acs, Director and Professor, Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, George Mason University
Terri Denison, District Director–Georgia, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
William Dunkelberg, Chief Economist, National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Ryan Murphy, Chief Credit Officer, CapitalMark Bank & Trust
Carl Rackley, Senior Vice President, Small Business, Hancock Bank

Megan Sparger,
Financial Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Lunch—Industry Insights from a Financial Marketplace Perspective
Meredith Whitney, CEO, Meredith Whitney Advisory Group LLC

Accounting Hot Topics: Coming to Terms with Fair Value
Stephen Gross, CPA, CVA, CFE, CFF, Principal and Founding Organizer, HLB Gross Collins

The Future of Community Banking (Industry Panel)
Stephen Gross, CPA, CVA, CFE, CFF, Principal and Founding Organizer, HLB Gross Collins
Bob Viering, Principal, River Point Group
Gary Young, CEO and Senior Consultant, Young & Associates, Inc.

Scott Hughes, S&R Subject Matter Expert, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta