October 26–27, 2010
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


Tuesday, October 26
8:00 a.m. Registration and breakfast
9:00 Welcome
Robert Strom, Research Director, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
9:45 Morning concurrent panel sessions

Session A: Entrepreneurship and the Economic Crisis
Session chair: John C. Robertson, Vice President and Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Moderator: Jessica LeVeen Farr, Community and Economic Development Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Nashville Branch

The Impact of the Financial Crisis on New Firm Creation Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Leora F. Klapper, World Bank (Coauthor: Inessa Love, World Bank) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

The Great Recession and Entrepreneurship Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Robert W. Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

The Distribution and Evolution of the Capital Structure of Entrepreneurial Firms: Evidence on the Financial Crisis Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich, Temple University (Coauthor: Sang Mook Lee, Temple University) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Session B: Public Policy
Session chair: Charles Ross, Enterprise Innovation Institute [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Moderator: Jessica Dill, Research Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Small Business Growth During a Recession: Local Policy Implications Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Christiana McFarland, National League of Cities (Coauthor: Katie Seeger, National League of Cities)Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

How Did Kelo Affect Business Formation? Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Ramon P. DeGennaro, University of Tennessee (Coauthor: Tianning Li, Hood College) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

The Impact of Personal Bankruptcy Law on Entrepreneurship Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Ye (George) Jia, University of Prince Edward Island [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Session C: Small Business Financing
Session chair: Paula Tkac, Assistant Vice President, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Moderator: Ellyn Terry, Economic Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Implications of Demand for and Access to Financial Capital by Young Firms in the Current Economic Crisis Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Sheryl Winston Smith, Fox School of Business, Temple University (Coauthor: Alicia Robb, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Do Small Businesses Still Prefer Community Banks? Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Tara Rice, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Coauthor: Allen Berger, University of South Carolina, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, and CentER, Tilburg University) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Financing Constraints and Unemployment: Evidence from the Great Recession Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Alexey Levkov, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (Coauthors: Burcu Duygan-Bump and Judit Montoriol-Garriga, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Noon Lunch: Job and Firm Creation
Introductions by Alfreda B. Norman, Assistant Vice President and Community Affairs Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

John C. Haltiwanger, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Mark E. Doms, Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Commerce [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
2:15 p.m. Afternoon concurrent panel sessions

Session A: Small Business Lending
Session chair: Tara Rice, Economist, Federal Reserve Board of Governors [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Moderator: Menbere Shiferaw, Economic Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

The Community Reinvestment Act and Small Business Lending in Low- and Moderate-Income Areas during the Financial Crisis
Presenting author: Elizabeth Laderman, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (Coauthor: Carolina Reid, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Entrepreneurial Optimism, Credit Availability, and Cost of Financing: Evidence from U.S. Small Businesses Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Na Dai, SUNY at Albany (Coauthor: Vladimir Ivanov, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

The Great Recession and Bank Lending to Small Businesses
Presenting author: Judit Montoriol-Garriga, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (Coauthor: Christina Wang, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

Session B: Public Policy
Session chair: Qingfang Wang, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Moderator: Jessica LeVeen Farr, Community and Economic Development Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Nashville Branch

Import Substitution at the Regional Level: Application in the United States Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Jinwoo Kwon, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Boon or Boondoggle? Business Incubation as Entrepreneurship Policy Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Alejandro Amezcua, Syracuse University [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

The Effect of Firm Compensation Structures on the Mobility and Entrepreneurship of Extreme Performers
 Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Rajshree Agarwal, University of Maryland (Coauthors: Seth Carnahan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Benjamin A. Campbell, Fisher College of Business) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Session C: Firm Growth and Job Creation
Session chair: Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Research Economist and Community and Economic Development Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Moderator: Kevin Mahoney, Community and Economic Development Research Assistant, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Entrepreneurship, the Initial Labor Force, and the Location of New Firms Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Cristina Carias, IST and Carnegie Mellon University (Coauthor: Steven Klepper, Carnegie Mellon University) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Who Creates Jobs? Small vs. Large vs. Young Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Javier Miranda, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau (Coauthors: John C. Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; Ron Jarmin and Teresa Fort, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

See How They Grow: Studying Small Venture Growth through a Qualitative Lens Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: John Angelis, Rochester Institute of Technology (Coauthors: Joseph Miller, Richard DeMartino, and Raj S. Murthy, Rochester Institute of Technology) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
4:30 Panel plenary session: Challenges Faced by Small and Minority Businesses
Introductions by Dave Altig, Research Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Brian Headd, Economist, Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Lisa Servon, Associate Professor, Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Ivonne Cunarro, Chief Knowledge Officer, Minority Business Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
5:45 Closing remarks on day one and welcome to evening reception
Melinda Pitts, Research Economist and Associate Policy Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Wednesday, October 27
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 Welcome back
Todd Greene, Community Affairs Officer and Vice President, Community and Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
8:45 Morning concurrent panel sessions

Session A: Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Other Demographics
Session chairs: Wenhua Di, Senior Economist, Community Affairs Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Cathy Yang Liu, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Moderator: Jessica LeVeen Farr, Community and Economic Development Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Nashville Branch

Credit Cards, Race, and Entrepreneurship Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Robert Seamans, NYU Stern School of Business (Coauthor: Aaron Chatterji, Duke University Fuqua School of Business) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Does Self-Employment Increase the Economic Well-Being of Low-Skilled Workers? Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Magnus Lofstrom, Public Policy Institute of California [ PresentatioAdobe PDF file format ]

Economic Recovery and Self-Employment: The Role of Older Americans Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Brian Hill, Salisbury University (Coauthors: Amelia Biehl, University of Michigan-Flint; Tami Gurley-Calvez, West Virginia University) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

A Theory of University Start-ups and Local Employment Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Richard Jensen, University of Notre Dame (Coauthor: Erika Damsgaard, Stockholm Research Institute for Industrial Economics) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Session B: Small Business Financing Session chair: Neil Bhutta, Economist, Federal Reserve Board of Governors [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
Moderator: Sibyl Slade, Community and Economic Development Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Perceived Competence and Credit Access of SMEs: Can Trust Change the Rules of the Game? Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Andrea Moro, The Open University Business School (Coauthor: Matthias Fink, Vienna University of Economics and Business) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

Financing the Emerging Firm Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: William B. Gartner, Clemson University (Coauthors: John C. Alexander and Casey J. Frid, Clemson University) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

How Does Personal Bankruptcy Law Affect Start-ups? Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: María Fabiana Penas, Tilburg University (Coauthor: Geraldo Cerqueiro, Universidade Católica Portuguesa) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]

The Effects of Environmental Uncertainty on Young and Small Businesses Adobe PDF file format
Presenting author: Joel West, San Jose State University (Coauthor: Paul Drnevich, University of Alabama) [ Presentation Adobe PDF file format ]
11:15 Keynote address
Ginger Ehn Lew, Senior Counselor to the White House National Economic Council and the SBA Administrator
Noon Lunch and facilitated discussion
Closing and adjournment