Debate and Confirm: A Supervisory Discussion Series
A conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Policy and Supervisory Studies Group
Conference Location
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Conference Center, Third Floor
1000 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309
What's next for the banking industry? 2011 promises to be another challenging year. How will the industry respond to the changing environment? Rates are at historically low levels, but loan demand has not risen as expected, and companies and consumers continue to deleverage. Where are the opportunities for growth and profitability? How will banks contend with funding risks? Dodd-Frank regulatory reform has created a new supervisory framework for the financial services industry. How do banks manage this change and adjust to new rules, many yet to be written, and continue to compete in uncertain economic times?
Welcoming remarks
Michael Johnson, Senior Vice President of Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Economic Outlook: Self Sustaining Growth in 2011?
What are the prospects for growth in 2011? Is progress being made in righting the wrongs that are weighing on the economy? Do structural barriers to recovery remain?
Mark Zandi, PhD, Chief Economist, Moody's
Commercial and Residential Real Estate Prospects: Are We There Yet? Has the Market Finally Hit Bottom?
What are key indicators of recovery for residential and commercial real estate? How does the pace of improvement vary by region? Will shrinkage in the industry affect growth? How is the foreclosure crisis affecting markets?
Industry Panel:
Brad Hunter, National Director of Consulting, Metrostudy [Presentation]
Victor Calanog, Director of Research, Reis Inc.
The Analyst's Perspective: What's to Become of Banks? Adjusting to the New "Normal"
How do banks move from survival to prosperity, given a lack of appetite for borrowing and new rules that alter and limit activities? Will the industry continue to consolidate?
Industry Panel:
Christopher Whalen, Managing Director, Institutional Risk Analytics [Presentation]
Jefferson Harralson, CFA, Managing Director, Keefe, Bruyette, and Woods
Legislative Update: What's on the Agenda in Washington?
What are the priorities of the new Congress? Can we anticipate any tweaking of Dodd-Frank? What is contemplated on the consumer front?
Larry Lavender, Republican Staff Director for the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
Closing Remarks
A Supervisory Perspective
Huston McKinney, CPA, Assistant Vice President of the Department of Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta