For Attendees Only

Thursday, March 1, 2012
8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (EST)*

As the economy gradually improves, are banks finally poised for a turnaround? If so, where will loan growth and earning opportunities come from—consumers, small businesses, real estate?

Please join us by phone to hear industry experts explore these questions and join the discussion by submitting questions online.

Please see the agenda for conference details.

Refer to the phone-in attendee information page for the number to call, how to ask questions and download presentations, and other important details.

Conference panelists include real estate industry experts, bank regulators and supervisors, senior banking executives, and many others, including:

  • Dennis Lockhart, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
  • John Silvia, Chief Economist, Wells Fargo and Company
  • Lawrence Uhlick, Chairman, BBVA Compass
  • Ed Hortman, President & CEO, Ameris Bank

Other questions presenters will address:

  • Banks must navigate a regulatory environment being reshaped by the Dodd-Frank Act, the Basel Committee, and a new consumer financial protection agency. Where are the agencies in this process, and how are banks adjusting so far?
  • How are regulatory changes affecting international banks, thrifts, and investment banks?

If you need more information about the conference or about phoning in to listen to the conference, please contact Robert Canova at Thank you again for your interest in the Annual Banking Outlook Conference.

* Participants can phone in at any time, and hang up and call back as often as they like. For example, callers may want to listen to only the first session and the closing remarks, or leave the call to attend a meeting or two and then phone back afterwards to rejoin the call.