Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and New York University
Friday, November 30
Real Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy
Chair: Anastasios Karantounias, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Real Exchange Rate Variability in a Two-Country Business Cycle Model"
Håkon Tretvoll
Presenter: Håkon Tretvoll, New York University
Discussant: Federico Mandelman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Demography & International Capital Flows"
David Backus, Thomas Cooley, and Espen Henriksen
Presenter: David Backus, New York University [Presentation ]
Discussant: Kim Ruhl, New York University
"Trade, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy"
Matteo Cacciatore and Fabio Ghironi
Presenter: Matteo Cacciatore, HEC Montreal
Discussant: George Alessandria, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
"Structural Reforms in a Monetary Union: The Role of the ZLB
Andrea Raffo, Andrea Ferrero, and Gauti Eggertsson
Presenter: Andrea Raffo, Board of Governors
Discussant: Toni Braun, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Sovereign Debt
Chair: Pedro Silos, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"International Reserves and Rollover Risk"
Javier Bianchi, Juan Carlos Hatchondo, and Leonardo Martinez
Presenter: Javier Bianchi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Discussant: Tim Kehoe, University of Minnesota
"Dynamics of Sovereign Investment, Debt, and Default"
Grey Gordon and Pablo Guerron-Quintana
Presenter: Pablo Guerron-Quintana, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Discussant: Yan Bai, University of Rochester
"Financial Globalization, Inequality, and the Rising of Public Debt"
Marina Azzimonti, Eva de Francisco, and Vincenzo Quadrini
Presenter: Vincenzo Quadrini, University of Southern California
Discussant: Pablo D'Erasmo, University of Maryland
Saturday, December 1
The Firm and the Open Economy
Chair: Kim Ruhl, New York University
"The Anatomy of French Production Hierarchies"
Lorenzo Caliendo, Ferdinando Monte, and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
Presenter: Ferdinando Monte, Johns Hopkins University [Presentation ]
Discussant: Marc Muendler, University of California, San Diego
"Technology Capital Transfer"
Thomas C. Holmes, Ellen R. McGrattan, and Edward C. Prescott
Presenter: Ellen R. McGrattan, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Discussant: Natalia Ramondo, Arizona State University
"Export Dynamics in Large Devaluations"
George Alessandria, Sangeeta Pratap, and Vivian Yue
Presenter: Vivian Yue, Board of Governors
Discussant: Ariel Burstein, University of California, Los Angeles