"Asset-Based Community Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Funders"
Heather P. Imboden (presenter), University of California–Berkeley
"Building Community Resilience Through Effective Partnerships Between Faith-Based and Community Organizations"
Pam Joshi (presenter), Brandeis University, Sarah Love, RTI International, Casey Tischner, RTI International, Brian Burke, RTI International
"Changing Financial Landscape: Are LMIs Disproportionately Affected? The Case of Detroit"
Maude Toussaint-Comeau (presenter), Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Robin Newberger (presenter), Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
"Design of an Evaluation Framework for Place-Based Initiatives—Southern Bancorp Case Study"
Ben Kaufman (presenter), Southern Bancorp Community Partners
"The Determinants of Subprime Loan Performance Following a Modification"
Maximilian Schmeiser (presenter), Federal Reserve Board, Matthew Gross, Federal Reserve Board
"Does Foreclosure Increase the Likelihood of Homelessness? Evidence from the Richmond MSA"
Nika Lazaryan (presenter), Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Margot Ackermann, Homeward, Urvi Neelakantan, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
"How SBA Loan Effects Vary with Local Area Characteristics"
J. David Brown (presenter), U.S. Census Bureau, and John Earle, George Mason University
"Implementation Analysis of Job Creation Strategies in Baltimore City"
Nichole M. Stewart (presenter), University of Maryland–Baltimore County (UMBC)
"An Integrated Assessment of Sustainability and Revitalization Outcomes of Greening Vacant Land"
Megan Heckert (presenter), Swarthmore College
"Jobs-Plus: Creating Communities of Employment"
Patrick Hart (presenter), New York City Center for Economic Opportunity
"Leveraging Anchor Institutions for Local Job Creation and Wealth Building"
Steve Dubb (presenter), Democracy Collaborative, Ted Howard, Democracy Collaborative
"Local Capital Planning in Non-Metropolitan Communities: Practices and Prospects from New York State for a Revitalized Future"
Michael R. Hattery (presenter), Rockefeller Institute of Government
"Measuring Financial Inclusion: The Global Findex Database"
Atisha Kumar (presenter), World Bank, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, World Bank, Leora Klapper, World Bank
"Organizing Collective Effort for Improving Commercial Districts: Lessons from Business Associations in Detroit"
Wonhyung Elsa Lee (presenter), University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
"Philanthropy's Impact on Community Development: Lessons from the Field"
Maria Martinez-Cosio (presenter), University of Texas–Arlington, Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell, University of California–San Diego
"The Public Workforce System: Serving Older Job Seekers and the Disability Implications of an Aging Workforce"
Maria T. Heidkamp (presenter), Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, William Mabe, Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Barbara DeGraaf, Heldrich Center for Workforce Development
"Pursuing Adaptive Resilience—Building Institutional Capacity, Designing a Cohesive Policy Framework"
Joseph Schilling (presenter) and Lauren Bulka (presenter), Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, Margaret Cowell, Virginia Tech
"Reimagining Collaboration: Local and Community Economic Development Systems"
Kate Davidoff (presenter), Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies, Jessica Lau, Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies, Roland Anglin, Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies
"The Rental Housing Finance Survey: Methodological and Empirical Findings from a New Survey of Landlords"
Danilo Pelletiere (presenter), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Shawn Buccholtz, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
"Restructuring the American Dream: How an Asset-Building/Homeownership Counseling Program Mitigates Foreclosures among Low-Income, Minority Homebuyers"
Anna Maria Santiago (presenter), Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Ana H. Sanroman, Wayne State University, George C. Galster, Wayne State University
"State Use of Community-Based Organizations to Advance Urban Revitalization Policy: The Case of the Front Porch Florida Initiative"
Marcus D. Mauldin (presenter), University of Tennessee–Chattanooga
"Strategic Geographic Targeting in the Distressed Mortgage Markets: The Case of Detroit"
Lei Ding (presenter), Wayne State University, Noah Urban, Wayne State University
"Suburban Housing Collaboratives: A Case for Interjurisdictional Collaboration"
Susan Longworth (presenter), Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
"Understanding the Relationship Between Multifunctional Agriculture, Community Resilience, and Rural Development"
Chyi-lyi (Kathleen) Liang (presenter), University of Vermont, Flora Su, University of Vermont
"Using Photovoice as a Means of Data Sharing: The Story of Fort McPherson"
Elizabeth J. Fuller (presenter), Georgia Health Policy Center
"Weathering the Recession: The Financial Crisis and Family Wealth Changes in Low-Income Neighborhoods"
Beadsie Woo (presenter), The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Leah Hendey, The Urban Institute, Signe-Mary McKernan, The Urban Institute
"What Is the Market Gap for the Provision of Financial Services for Low-Income Communities?"
Oscar Gonzales (presenter), CDFI Fund, James Greer, CDFI Fund
"Who Is Banking Latino Families: Latino Access to Financial Services and Products"
Marisabel Torres (presenter), National Council of La Raza
"Why Low-Income Communities Should Value Smart Entrepreneurs over Smart Capital"
Dileep Rao (presenter), Florida International University
"WorkAdvance: Helping Job Seekers Advance While Meeting Business Needs"
Patrick Hart (presenter), New York City Center for Economic Opportunity