Tuesday, September 17, 2013
8:00 a.m. Registration and breakfast

Welcoming remarks

Mark Doms, Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs for the Department of Commerce


Session 1

International Topics

“Multinational Firms in Context” PDF icon
Aaron Flaaen, University of Michigan

“‘It's Not You, It's Me’: Breakups in U.S.-China Trade Relationships” PDF icon
Ryan Monarch, University of Michigan

“Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Do Your Neighbors Matter?” PDF icon
Fariha Kamal, U.S. Census Bureau
Asha Sundaram, University of Cape Town

Health and Health Insurance

“New Evidence on Employer Price-Sensitivity of Offering Health Insurance” PDF icon
Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota
Roger Feldman, University of Minnesota
Peter Graven, Oregon Health and Science University

“The ACA's Extension of Coverage to Dependents and Its Impact on Access to Care of Young Immigrants and Natives” PDF icon
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University
Mehmet E. Yaya, Eastern Michigan University

“Moral Hazard and Less Invasive Medical Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease: An Analysis of Smoking in the National Health Interview Survey” PDF icon
Jason Hockenberry, Emory University and NBER
Jesse Margolis, City University of New York Graduate Center
Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University and NBER
Michael Grossman, City University of New York Graduate Center and NBER

11:30 Lunch and keynote

"War on Poverty"
Martha Bailey, University of Michigan

1:00 p.m.

Session 2

Labor Demand and Supply

“Spousal Labor Supply Responses to Government Programs: Evidence from the Disability Insurance Program” PDF icon
Susan E. Chen, University of Alabama

“Relative Income and Job Search: Information or Irritation?”
Evan N. Buntrock, Cornell University

“Reconsidering the Consequences of Worker Displacements: Survey versus Administrative Measurements” PDF icon
Aaron Flaaen, University of Michigan
Matthew D. Shapiro, University of Michigan
Isaac Sorkin, University of Michigan

New Firms: Birth and Growth

“Don’t Quit Your Day Job: Using Wage and Salary Earnings to Support a New Business” PDF icon
Mónica García-Pérez, St. Cloud State University
Christopher Goetz, U.S. Census Bureau
John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland
Kristin Sandusky, U.S. Census Bureau

“Creation, Growth, and Destruction: The Life-Cycle Impact of Enforcing Covenants Not to Compete on Spin-Outs and other New Ventures” PDF icon
Evan Starr, University of Michigan
Natarajan Balasubramanian, Syracuse University
Mariko Sakakibara, UCLA

“The Impact of Structural Changes in Financial Services on Access to Capital and Growth in Rural America: 1976–2007”
Lynn Riggs, Baylor University
Charles M. Tolbert, Baylor University
F. Carson Mencken, Baylor University
Jing Li, Baylor University

2:30 Break

Session 3

Topics in Race and Ethnicity

“What Whitens? Black-White Children's Reported Race, 1880–2010”
Aliya Saperstein, Stanford University
Carolyn Liebler, University of Minnesota

“The Role of Tipping Point—The Dynamics of Workplace Segregation by Race and Ethnicity” PDF icon
Lingwen Zheng, Cornell University

“Explaining Low High School Attainment in Northern Communities: An Analysis of the Aboriginal Peoples Survey” PDF icon
Melanie O'Gorman, University of Winnipeg
Manish Pandey, University of Winnipeg

Determinants of Long-Term Individual Outcomes

“Every Breath You Take—Every Dollar You’ll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970” PDF icon
Reed Walker, University of California–Berkeley
Maya Rossin-Slater, University of California–Santa Barbara
Adam Isen, Department of Treasury

“Socioeconomic and Geographic Determinants of Cancer Incidence: Evidence for Canada Using a Linked Census-registry Dataset”
James Ted McDonald, University of New Brunswick
Zikuan Liu, University of New Brunswick

“Cohort Size and Youth Earnings: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment” PDF icon
Louis-Philippe Morin, University of Ottawa

5:00 Adjournment