Welcome and introductions Karen Leone de Nie, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Don Phoenix, NeighborWorks America Meaghan Shannon-Vlkovic, Enterprise Community Partners |
9:45 | Equitable Development: The View from the Trenches Moderator: Todd Greene, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Ernestine Garey, Invest Atlanta Amanda Rhein, MARTA Rubye Sullivan, Atlanta Public School System |
10:30 | What Works and What Doesn't: Lessons from across the Country Moderator: Ashani O'Mard, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership Brad Weinig, Enterprise Community Partners [Presentation Henrietta Munoz, Eastside Promise Neighborhood Charles Rutheiser, Annie E. Casey Foundation Mary Kay Bailey, Central Corridor Funders Collaborative, Investing Beyond the Rail [Presentation |
11:40 | Break and setup for lunch |
Noon | Lunch Discussion: Learning the Hard Way: Expert Community Developers Look Back Moderator: David Jackson, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Hattie Dorsey, former Chief Executive Officer, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership Renee Glover, former Chief Executive Officer, Atlanta Housing Authority Young Hughley, former Chief Executive Officer, Resources for Residents and Communities |
Using the Evidence: Research to Inform Action Moderator: Kate Little, Georgia ACT Chase Billingham, Wichita State University [Presentation Meagan Ehlenz, Arizona State University [Presentation Benjamin Scuderi, Harvard University, the Equality of Opportunity Project [Presentation |
2:00 | Small Group Working Session: Reimagining Community Development in Metro Atlanta Facilitated discussion |
4:30 | Closing remarks Introduction: Karen Leone de Nie Chris Estes, National Housing Conference |
5:00 | Next steps, wrap-up, and thank you Moderators: Karen Leone de Nie and David Jackson |
5:15 | Reception |