Washington, DC
April 28–29, 2016
The International Monetary Fund and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta are cosponsoring this first conference on China's economy. As the world's second largest economy, China exerts a rising influence on the growth and stability of the global financial markets and economy. This conference will bring together experts from around the world to discuss a number of pressing issues facing China: growth, business cycles, macroeconomic policies, income inequality, and the financial system.
Co-organizers: Nan Li (International Monetary Fund-Research Department, NLi@imf.org), Hui He (International Monetary Fund-Institute for Capacity Development, HHe@imf.org), Tao Zha (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Emory University, tzha@earthlink.net).
Contacts for logistics issues: Tracey Lookadoo (International Monetary Fund, Tlookadoo@imf.org), Jane Haizel (International Monetary Fund, JHaizel@imf.org)