Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

July 26
5:00 p.m. Reception and dinner

July 27
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 Welcome and introductions
Todd Greene, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Ray Boshara, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Margaret Clancy, Center for Social Development, Washington University in St. Louis
8:45 Setting the Context: The Transformative Power of ABLE, Critical Elements, and the State of Federal and State Implementation
Michael Morris, National Disability Institute
Chris Rodriguez, ABLE National Resource Center
presentation Adobe PDF file format )
9:15 State ABLE Program Implementation
Facilitator: Chris Rodriguez
John Finch, Director, ABLE United (Florida)
Eric Ochmanek, Ohio Office of Treasurer
Joanna Swanson, Enable Savings Plan (Nebraska)
Roy West, Tennessee Treasury Department, ABLE TN Savings Program
10:15 Break
10:30 Research: Overview of Financial Circumstances of People with Disabilities and Families
Michael Morris
11:15 Reflection/Response from 529 and 529A Leaders and ABLE Beneficiaries: A Dialogue around Implementation, Descriptions/Needs of Target Audience, Challenges from the States, and Ideas for 529A Implementation Strategies
Facilitator: Ray Boshara
12:15 p.m. Working lunch: open conversations
1:00 ABLE Access and Inclusion Brainstorming Session: Incentives, Structures, Supports, and Technology; Define and Describe Innovations, Demonstrations, Education, and Outreach; Fees and Other Costs
Facilitator: Margaret Clancy
1:45 Break
2:00 Next Generation Research: Identify Research Questions to Build New Knowledge to Affect Policy and Practice Costs
Facilitator: Michael Morris
presentation Adobe PDF file format )
3:00 Group Discussion: Key Learning and Next Steps
Facilitator: Karen Leone de Nie, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
3:30 Closing comments and adjournment