Paper submission
We invite academics, professionals, and regulators to submit papers for this conference. Long abstracts or, preferably, complete manuscripts may be submitted no later than September 5, 2016, on the full range of issues associated with the impact of extraordinary monetary policy on the financial sector.

Some examples of such issues arising from extraordinary monetary policy during the crisis include:

  • The effect of policy actions on market prices and/or quantities during the crisis
  • Moral hazard after the crisis

Some examples of issues arising from postcrisis extraordinary monetary policy include the impact on:

  • Term and risk premia in bond markets
  • Exchange rates
  • Equity prices
  • Risk taking by financial intermediaries
  • The business models of financial intermediaries (that is, the impact of negative rates on insurance companies, pension funds, and retail banking operations)
  • The reduction of high-quality, liquid assets available for repo transactions and to meet increased regulatory demand for these assets
  • The financial sector in developing countries

Please send your submissions in PDF format directly to Larry Wall, who may also be contacted for any further inquiries:

The selection committee consists of Nikolay Gospodinov (Atlanta Fed), Glenn Harrison (Georgia State University and CEAR), Felix Rioja (Georgia State University), John Robertson (Atlanta Fed), Skander J. Van den Heuvel (Federal Reserve Board and European Central Bank), and Larry Wall (Atlanta Fed and CenFIS). The results of the selection process will be sent by October 7, 2016. Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for the presenters of accepted papers.