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Announcement and Call for Papers
Federal Reserve Day-Ahead Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions

Hosted by the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Submission Deadline: June 15, 2018
Conference Date: January 3, 2019

The 12th annual Day-Ahead Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions is an opportunity for productive interaction in advance of the 2019 ASSA meeting and the sharing of policy-relevant research among economists in the Federal Reserve System, at other central banks, and in academia.

The Day-Ahead organizing committee invites the submission of both theoretical and empirical research on financial markets and institutions, particularly involving topics relevant to central bank mandates such as:

  • Financial stability and the conduct of monetary policy
  • Financial market impact of macroprudential policies
  • Institutional and market responses to regulatory developments
  • Monetary policy tools and transmission
  • Lessons learned from the financial crisis
  • Financial Innovation
  • Bank and nonbank lending
  • Interbank and short-term money markets
  • Contagion and systemic risk in global financial markets
  • Market and funding liquidity
  • Supervision and regulation of financial institutions
  • The effects of uncertainty on financial markets and institutions

Please submit your paper by July 1, 2018, at the conference web site:

Completed drafts will be given a much higher preference than abstracts. Among papers of similar quality, a paper with a coauthor from a central bank will be given preference.

If you have administrative questions, please contact Hazel Taylor at
If you have questions about the program, please contact an organizing committee member: