2019 Large Bank Director's Conference banner

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree St. NE
Atlanta, GA 30309

The Federal Reserve System is pleased to announce the fourth annual Large Financial Institution Directors Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on September 10–11, 2019, for independent directors of firms with assets over $100 billion[1].

The agenda will be final soon and will cover topics such as the large financial institution rating system, governance, key areas of supervisory focus, and other topics relevant to directors and the industry. Speakers will include experts from across the Federal Reserve System. The program will begin around 2 p.m. on September 10 and conclude around 4 p.m. on September 11.

For questions regarding the conference, please email Kathleen Mitchell at LFI.DirectorsConference@atl.frb.org.

[1] not designated as systemically important


September 10, 2019
2:00 p.m.
3:00 Opening Remarks—Transparency at the Federal Reserve
Welcome and opening remarks, with insights into the Federal Reserve's strategic priority of promoting transparency within the regulatory process
Presenter: Mike Johnson, Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
3:30 Risk Identification—A Portfolio Perspective
Insights into the Federal Reserve's framework for identifying and monitoring risks in the portfolio, including perspectives on current and emerging risks
Presenter: Ken Heinecke, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
4:15 Tailoring—What to Know
An overview of tailoring
Presenter: Jennifer Burns, Deputy Director, Board of Governors
4:45 Capital and Liquidity—Horizontal Reviews
Panel focusing on Horizontal Capital and Liquidity Review results including range of practice, risks, and key issues observed
Kristen Kueker, Senior Financial Institution Policy Analyst, Board of Governors
Peter Stoffelen, Lead Financial Institution Policy Analyst, Board of Governors
5:30 Reception and dinner
Evening reception followed by dinner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Remarks: Raphael Bostic, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

September 11, 2019
7:20 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 Opening Remarks
John Pelick, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
8:05 Feedback Session
Interactive session, seeking Director views on Federal Reserve supervisory program and practices
Steve Jenkins, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Rick Naylor, Associate Director, Board of Governors
8:30 LIBOR and Reference Rate Reform
Associated risks and impact of transition from LIBOR
Presenter: Caren Cox, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
9:00 Technology and Cyber Risk—Industry Insights and Supervisory Perspective
Observations of top industry risks and peer perspectives from supervisory activity
Devon Bryan, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, Federal Reserve Information Technology
Phil Watts, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
10:15 Break
10:30 Risk Identification—Director Breakout
Director breakout session to share views regarding risks and issues facing the industry
Moderator: Ken Heinecke, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Noon Lunch Keynote
Highlights and key takeaways from the Federal Reserve's Supervision & Regulation Report
Mike Gibson, Director, Division of Supervision and Regulation
1:00 p.m. Oversight Practices—From a Director's Point of View
Director panel to discuss approaches to board oversight execution and current practices
Moderator: Christine Gaffney, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
2:00 Large Financial Institution Rating Framework—An Overview and Q&A
Overview of the new rating framework, including components, timing, horizontal exams, and assignment processes. Implications of ratings will be discussed with Q&A session for directors
Pat Loncar, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Rick Naylor, Associate Director, Board of Governors
Vaishali Sack, Assistant Director, Board of Governors
Moderator: Tricia Kissinger, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
3:00 Closing Remarks
Steve Jenkins, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland