Banner image for Supervisory Update: Continuing to Navigate the Current Environment - August 26, 2021

Location: Virtual


9:00 a.m. Kickoff
Mike Johnson, Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
9:05 Supervisory Posture (Safety and Soundness)
Discussion will focus on updating our current supervisory posture and perspectives related to the Scaled CECL Allowance for Losses Estimator (SCALE) tool for applicable community banks.
Steve Wise, Vice President, Supervision, Regulation, and Credit Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
David Schwartz, Principal Examiner, Supervision, Regulation, and Credit Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
9:35 CRA and State Member Bank Applications Hot Topics
Discussion will focus on updates from the Community Reinvestment Act modernization initiative. Key reminders regarding applications' activities will also be provided.
Jessica Farr, Subject Matter Expert, Supervision, Regulation and Credit Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Sabrina Francis, Director, Supervision, Regulation and Credit Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
10:05 Economic and Commercial Real Estate Overview
Discussion will focus on the state of the U.S. commercial real estate market and explore sector-specific changes resulting from COVID-19's effects. What may lie ahead for the remainder of 2021 will be outlined against a backdrop of economic fundamentals.
Lauren Terschan, Senior Financial Specialist, Supervision, Regulation and Credit Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
10:35 General Q&A Session
Moderator: Sabrina Francis