Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Talk About Payments Webinar

All About Project Hamilton

June 9, 2022

What might a central bank digital currency (CBDC) look like? And how would it work? Eight Caribbean countries and Nigeria are the only countries so far that have fully launched a CBDC. As many as 90 other countries are at some stage of evaluation. While the Federal Reserve Board of Governors has not expressed any intention to launch a CBDC, it issued a white paper in January this year to kick off a discussion about it with payment stakeholders. The Board is asking for input through May 20. Read public comments.

Last August, before the release of the white paper, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Digital Currency Initiative announced that they were partnering to study the implications of a CBDC. Calling their collaborative effort "Project Hamilton," they describe it as a "multiyear research project to explore the CBDC design space and gain a hands-on understanding of a CBDC's technical challenges and opportunities." They issued a Phase I report this past February.

In this episode of our Talk About Payments (TAP) webinar series, two senior leaders from the Boston Fed's Project Hamilton team provide a detailed overview and current status of the project.


Send questions about the webinar to David Lott at david.lott@atl.frb.org.

You may view previous Talk About Payments webinars.