Jasmine Burnett is a research analyst II for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's community and economic development (CED) group. She supports the team's research, program development, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement efforts. Burnett earned her bachelors of arts in government with a secondary degree in African American studies from Harvard College. Raised in Atlanta, she returned to pursue a dual master's degree in city and regional planning and public policy from Georgia Institute of Technology. During her studies, she specialized in affordable housing, community development, and urban policy, and conducted extensive research on the relationship between neighborhood revitalization programs and patterns of displacement. Before going to graduate school, Burnett worked for the Bridgespan Group, where she helped social sector organizations and philanthropists maximize their impact.
Jasmine Burnett, Mary Hirt, David A. Jackson, and Janelle Williams. "Tackling an Inclusive and Resilient Recovery in the Southeast." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Partners Update (March 24, 2021).
David A. Jackson and Jasmine Burnett. "Service Providers to Low-Income Communities Face Challenges of Their Own." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Partners Update (COVID-19 Publications 2020).