Nashville, Tennessee
Welcome and Introductions
David Jackson and Emily Mitchell, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
State of Nashville's Affordable Housing Demand
Bettie Teasley Sulmers, Director, Research and Planning, Tennessee Housing Development Agency [Presentation ]
David Padgett, Associate Professor, Tennessee State University [Presentation ]
What Is Nashville's Current Housing Landscape?
Jim Fraser, Professor, Vanderbilt University [Presentation ]
Paul Johnson, Executive Director, The Housing Fund [Presentation ]
Hannah Cassidy and David Kleinfelter, Attorneys, Reno & Cavanaugh
Affordable Housing Tools: What Can Be Gleaned from Research and Practice?
Emily Thaden, Research and Policy Development Manager, the National Community Land Trust Network [Presentation ]
Robert Hickey, Senior Research Associate, Center for Housing Policy/National Housing Conference [Presentation ]
Loryn B. Clark, Executive Director, Office of Housing and Community, Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Brad Weinig, Program Director, Enterprise Community Partners [Presentation ]