2020 Southeastern Micro Labor Workshop banner

April–May 2020

Location: Virtual

The second annual Southeastern Micro Labor Workshop (formerly known as SNAG) brings together local PhD micro labor economists from southeastern institutions to foster an active exchange and discussion.

This year's workshop will be hosted by Orgul Ozturk, University of South Carolina in Columbia.

On each date we will have two papers presented (3pm to 5pm). We will have 30-minute presentations followed by 10 minutes for discussion, and 15 minutes for response and Q and A. We will have a session moderator who will field questions and keep time. All will be muted during the presentation, but can use the chat option on Zoom. If there are coauthors of the presenter in the audience, we kindly request them to answer clarifying questions during the presentation over the chat window. We will have a 5-minute break between papers. Our intention is to start the first presentation at 3pm (after a short introduction) and the second one at 4pm.

Please don't hesitate to contact Orgul Ozturk, Julie Hotchkiss, or Melinda Pitts with any questions.

Steering Committee: Julie Hotchkiss, Melinda Pitts, Kathryn Anderson, Peter Brummund, Joe Hotz, Tom Mroz, Orgul Ozturk, and Madeline Zavodny

Please sign up if you would like to receive information about the workshop.