Larry Wall
Research Center Executive Director Emeritus, Center for Financial Innovation and Stabilitycurriculum vitae
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
Larry Wall is an economist emeritus of the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Before his retirement, he was the research center executive director of the Center for Financial Innovation and Stability (CenFIS). Dr. Wall is part of the financial markets team. CenFIS was created to improve knowledge of financial innovation and financial stability and the connection between the two.
Dr. Wall joined the financial structure team of the Bank's Research Department in 1982 and was promoted to executive director of the CenFIS in 2013. In addition to pursuing his research agenda, Dr. Wall leads CenFIS's activities and provides policy advice. A certified public accountant, Dr. Wall has served on a number of editorial boards. Dr. Wall is also on the academic advisory panel of the International Association of Deposit Insurers. He is a past president and chairman of the trustees of the Eastern Finance Association. Dr. Wall has also been an adjunct faculty member of Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Dr. Wall, a native of Grand Forks, North Dakota, earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of North Dakota and a doctoral degree in business from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Is Stricter Regulation of Incentive Compensation the Missing Piece?
Larry Wall
March 2019
Technological Change and Financial Innovation in Banking: Some Implications for Fintech
W. Scott Frame, Larry Wall and Lawrence J. White
October 2018
Cross-Border Banking on the Two Sides of the Atlantic: Does It Have an Impact on Bank Crisis Management?
Maria J. Nieto and Larry D. Wall
November 2015
Measuring Capital Adequacy Supervisory Stress Tests in a Basel World
Larry D. Wall
December 2013
The Adoption of Stress Testing: Why the Basel Capital Measures Were Not Enough
Larry D. Wall
December 2013
The Safety and Soundness Effects of Bank M&A in the EU
Jens Hagendorff, Maria J. Nieto, and Larry D. Wall
September 2012
The Devil's in the Tail: Residential Mortgage Finance and the U.S. Treasury
W. Scott Frame, Larry D. Wall, and Lawrence J. White
August 2012
Creating an EU-Level Supervisor for Cross-Border Banking Groups: Issues Raised by the U.S. Experience with Dual Banking
Larry D. Wall, María J. Nieto, and David Mayes
March 2011
Prudential Discipline for Financial Firms: Micro, Macro, and Market Structures
Larry D. Wall
March 2010
What Do Premiums Paid for Bank M&As Reflect? The Case of the European Union
Jens Hagendorff, Ignacio Hernando, Maria J. Nieto, and Larry D. Wall
March 2010
Bank Capital Ratios across Countries: Why Do They Vary?
Elijah Brewer III, George G. Kaufman, and Larry D. Wall
December 2008
Determinants of Domestic and Cross-Border Bank Acquisitions in the European Union
Ignacio Hernando, María J. Nieto, and Larry D. Wall
December 2008
Multiple Safety Net Regulators and Agency Problems in the European Union: Is Prompt Corrective Action Partly the Solution?
David G. Mayes, María J. Nieto, and Larry Wall
May 2007
When Target CEOs Contract with Acquirers: Evidence from Bank Mergers and Acquisitions
Elijah Brewer III, William E. Jackson III, and Larry D. Wall
December 2006
Preconditions for a Successful Implementation of Supervisors' Prompt Corrective Action: Is There a Case for a Banking Standard in the European Union?
María J. Nieto and Larry D. Wall
December 2006
An Analysis of the Systemic Risks Posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and an Evaluation of the Policy Options for Reducing Those Risks
Robert A. Eisenbeis, W. Scott Frame, and Larry D. Wall
March 2006
Debt, Hedging, and Human Capital
Stephen D. Smith and Larry D. Wall
December 2005
Resolving Large Financial Intermediaries: Banks Versus Housing Enterprises
Robert A. Eisenbeis, W. Scott Frame, and Larry D. Wall
Revised October 2004
The Major Supervisory Initiatives Post-FDICIA: Are They Based on the Goals of PCA? Should They Be?
Robert A. Eisenbeis and Larry D. Wall
December 2002
Subordinated Debt and Prompt Corrective Regulatory Action
Douglas D. Evanoff and Larry D. Wall
August 2002
Measures of the Riskiness of Banking Organizations: Subordinated Debt Yields, Risk-Based Capital, and Examination Ratings
Douglas D. Evanoff and Larry D. Wall
November 2001
Sub-Debt Yield Spreads as Bank Risk Measures
Douglas D. Evanoff and Larry D. Wall
May 2001
Managing the Risk of Loans with Basis Risk: Sell, Hedge, or Do Nothing?
Larry D. Wall and Milind M. Shrikhande
November 2000
The Use of Accruals to Manage Reported Earnings: Theory and Evidence
Timothy W. Koch and Larry D. Wall
November 2000
The Impact of a Dealer's Failure on OTC Derivatives Market Liquidity during Volatile Periods
Larry D. Wall, Ellis W. Tallman, and Peter A. Abken
June 1996
Subordinated Debt and Bank Capital Reform
Douglas D. Evanoff and Larry D. Wall
August 2000
"Is stricter regulation of incentive compensation the missing piece?", Journal of Banking Regulation, (2020) vol. 21, pp. 82–94.
"Some Financial Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence", Journal of Economics and Business, (2018) vol. 100, pp. 55–63.
"Financial stability and resolution of Federal Reserve Goal and implementation conflicts," Journal of Financial Services Research, (2018), p. 163–178 (with Robert A Eisenbeis and Simon Kwan)
"Incentive Compensation, Accounting Discretion and Bank Capital", Journal of Economics and Business (2018), pp. 119–140 (with Timothy Koch and Dan Waggoner).
"Cross-border banking on the two sides of the Atlantic: Does it have an impact on bank crisis management?", Journal of Banking Regulation (2018), pp. 4–17 (with Maria J. Nieto).
"Recent changes in US regulation of large FBOs" Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (2017), pp. 318–332.
"Stricter Microprudential Supervision Versus Macroprudential Supervision," Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, (2015), pp. 354–368.
"The adoption of stress testing: why the Basel capital measures were not enough," Journal of Banking Regulation, (September 2014), pp. 266–276.
"Measuring capital adequacy: supervisory stress-tests in a Basel world." Journal of Financial Perspectives (2014), pp. 85–94.
"The Devil's in the Tail: Residential Mortgage Finance and the U.S. Treasury," Journal of Applied Finance. (2013), pp. 61–83 (with W. Scott Frame and Lawrence J. White).
"What do Premiums Paid for Bank M&As Reflect? The Case of the European Union," Journal of Banking and Finance, (March 2012), pp. 749–759 (with Jens Hagendorff, Ignacio Hernando and Maria Nieto)
"Debt, Hedging and Human Capital" Journal of Financial Stability (June 2010), pp. 55–63 (with Stephen D. Smith).
"Determinants Of Domestic And Cross Border Bank Acquisitions In The European Union" Journal of Banking and Finance, (June 2009), pp. 1022–1032. (with Ignacio Hernando and MarĂa J. Nieto).
"Bank Capital Ratios across Countries: Why Do They Vary?" Journal of Financial Services Research, (December 2008): 177–201. (With Elijah Brewer and George Kaufman).
"Multiple safety net regulators and agency problems in the EU: Is Prompt Corrective Action partly the solution?’ Journal of Financial Stability. (September 2008), pp. 165–304 (With David Mayes and Maria Nieto).
"An Analysis of the Systemic Risks Posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and An Evaluation of the Policy Options for Reducing Those Risks." Journal of Financial Services Research (June 2007), pp. 75–99 (with Robert A. Eisenbeis and W. Scott Frame).
"Preconditions for a successful implementation of supervisors´ Prompt Corrective Action: Is there a case for a banking standard in the EU?" Journal of Banking Regulation (2006), pp. 191–220. (with Maria J. Nieto).
"Resolving Large Financial Intermediaries: Banks Versus Housing Enterprises." Journal of Financial Stability, (2005), pp. 386–425 (with Robert A. Eisenbeis and W. Scott Frame).
"How should banks account for loan losses." Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, (March/April 2005), pp. 81–100 (with George J. Benston).
"Determinants of the Loan Loss Allowance: Some Cross-Country Comparisons." Financial Review, (February 2004), pp. 129–152 (with Iftekhar Hasan).
"Measures of the Riskiness of Banking Organizations: Subordinated Debt Yields, Risk-Based Capital, and Examination Ratings." Journal of Banking and Finance, (May 2002) pp. 989–1009 (with Douglas D. Evanoff).
"Sub-Debt Yield Spreads as Bank Risk Measures." Journal of Financial Services Research, (October 2001) pp. 121–145 (with Douglas D. Evanoff).
"Financial Regulatory Structure and the Resolution of Conflicting Goals" Journal of Financial Services Research, Sept.–Dec. 1999, v. 16, iss. 2–3, pp. 223–45 (with Robert A. Eisenbeis). Reprinted in Financial Modernization and Regulation, edited by Robert A. Eisenbeis, Frederick T. Furlong and Simon Kwan, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
"Managerial Rents and Regulatory Intervention in Trouble Banks," Journal of Banking and Finance 20 (March, 1996) 331–350 (with Thomas H. Noe and Michael J. Rebello).
"Bank Holding Company Capital Targets in the Early 1990s: The Regulators versus the Markets," Journal of Banking and Finance, 19 (June 1995) 563–574 (with David R. Peterson).
"Motivations for Bank Mergers and Acquisitions: Enhancing the Deposit Insurance Put Options Versus Increasing Operating Net Cash Flow," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27 (August 1995), 777–788 (with George J. Benston and William Curt Hunter).
"Valuation Effects of New Capital Issues by Large Bank Holding Companies." Journal of Financial Services Research, 5 (March 1991), 77–87. (with Pamela P. Peterson).
"The Effect of Continental Illinois' Failure on the Financial Performance of Other Banks." Journal of Monetary Economics, 26 (August 1990), 77–99 (with David R. Peterson).
"Financial Determinants of Bank Takeovers: A Note." Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 21 (November 1989) 524–536 (with David C. Cheng and Benton E. Gup).
"Alternative Explanations of Interest Rate Swaps: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis." Financial Management, 18 (Summer 1989) 59–73. (with John J. Pringle).
"Interest Rate Swaps in an Agency Theoretic Model with Uncertain Interest Rates." Journal of Banking and Finance, 13 (May 1989) 261–270.
"'Callable Bonds: A Risk-Reducing Signalling Mechanism': A Comment." Journal of Finance, (September 1988) 1057–1065.
"Capital Changes at Large Affiliated Banks." Journal of Financial Services Research, 1 (June 1988) 253–275 (with David R. Peterson).
"The Effect of Capital Adequacy Guidelines on Large Bank Holding Companies." Journal of Banking and Finance, 11 (December 1987) 581–600 (with David R. Peterson).
"Has Bank Holding Companies' Diversification Affected Their Risk of Failure." Journal of Economics and Business, 39 (November 1987) 313–326.
"Why Are Some Banks More Profitable Than Others?" Journal of Bank Research, 15 (Winter 1985) 240–256.
Larry Wall, Camelia Minoiu, and Yuritzy Ramos. "Takeaways from the 2023 CEAR-CenFIS Conference: "Interest Rate Variability and the Financial Sector"." Policy Hub: Macroblog. December 19, 2023.
Larry D. Wall. "Remembering Sheila Tschinkel, an Atlanta Fed Research Director Whose Contributions Endure." Policy Hub: Macroblog. August 31, 2023.
Camelia Minoiu and Larry D. Wall. "Recapping the 2023 Financial Markets Conference: 'Old Challenges in New Clothes: Outfitting Finance, Technology, and Regulation for the Mid-2020s'." Policy Hub: Macroblog. June 27, 2023.
Larry D. Wall. "History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes: The Failures of Silicon Valley and First Republic Banks." Policy Hub: Macroblog. June 21, 2023.
Larry D. Wall. "Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Potential and Risks." Policy Hub: Macroblog. October 18, 2022.
Francesca Carapella, Edward Dumas, Jacob Gerszten, Nathan Swem, and Larry D. Wall. "Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Transformative Potential and Associated Risks." Policy Hub (2022-14).
Larry D. Wall. "Financial Markets Conference 2022: Exploring the Financial Sector." Policy Hub: Macroblog. June 23, 2022.
Larry D. Wall. "Financial Markets Conference 2022: Normalizing the Fed's Balance Sheet." Policy Hub: Macroblog. June 3, 2022.
Larry D. Wall "So Far, So Good: Government Insurance of Financial Sector Tail Risk." Policy Hub (2021-13).
Larry D. Wall. "The Role of Central Banks in Fostering Economic and Financial Resiliency." Policy Hub: Macroblog. May 27, 2021.
Larry D. Wall "Bank Supervisory Goals versus Monetary Policy Implementation." Policy Hub (2021-3).
Larry D. Wall "Assisting Firms during a Crisis: Benefits and Costs." Policy Hub (2020-10).
Bostic, R., S. Bower, O. Shy, L. Wall, and J. Washington. "Digital Payments and the Path to Financial Inclusion." Promoting Safer Payments Innovation No.20-1 (2020).
Larry D. Wall. "Banks' Accumulated Credit Losses in the First Quarter." Notes from the Vault (2020 May).
Larry D. Wall. "Bank Compensation and Regulation." Notes from the Vault (2020 January).
Larry D. Wall. "Financial System of the Future." Notes from the Vault (2019 November).
Larry D. Wall. "Procyclicality: CECL versus Incurred Loss Model." Notes from the Vault (2019 October).
Larry D. Wall. "Trusted Third Parties." Notes from the Vault (2019 August).
Larry D. Wall. "Mapping the Financial Frontier." Notes from the Vault (2019 June).
Larry D. Wall. "Fractional Reserve Cryptocurrency Banks." Notes from the Vault (2019 April).
W. Scott Frame, Larry D. Wall, and Lawrence J. White. "Tech-Driven Financial Innovation in Banking." Notes from the Vault (2019 January).
Larry D. Wall. "Financial Stability Implications of New Technology." Notes from the Vault (2018 November).
Larry D. Wall. "Consumer Credit, Blockchains, and Machine Learning." Notes from the Vault (2018 October).
Larry D. Wall. "Blockchain Challenges and Governance." Notes from the Vault (2018 July).
Larry D. Wall. "Some Blockchain Challenges." Notes from the Vault (2018 June).
Larry D. Wall. "Machines Learning Finance." Notes from the Vault (2018 May).
Larry D. Wall. "The Initial Coin Offerings Market (Part 2)." Notes from the Vault (2018 April).
Larry D. Wall. "The Initial Coin Offerings Market." Notes from the Vault (2018 March).
Larry D. Wall. "Financial Regulation: Fit for the Future?" Notes from the Vault (2017 December).
Larry D. Wall. "Enhanced Safety: the EU's Data Protection Rules." Notes from the Vault (2017 October).
Larry D. Wall. "Government Debt Subsidies and Financial Stability." Notes from the Vault (2017 September).
Larry D. Wall. "Fintech and Financial Inclusion." Notes from the Vault (2017 August).
Larry D. Wall. "Congressional Control over the Banking Agencies' Budgets." Notes from the Vault (2017 July).
Larry D. Wall. "The Evolving Financial Supermarket." Notes from the Vault (2017 June).
Larry D. Wall. "Managing Global Financial Risks." Notes from the Vault (2017 May).
Larry D. Wall. "Interest on Reserves." Notes from the Vault (2017 February).
Larry D. Wall. "The Revolving Door." Notes from the Vault (2017 January).
Larry D. Wall. "The Impact of Extraordinary Policy on Intermediaries." Notes from the Vault (2016 December).
Larry D. Wall. "Prudential Regulation, Big Data, and Machine Learning." Notes from the Vault (2016 November).
Larry D. Wall. "Avoiding Regulation: FinTech versus the Sharing Economy." Notes from the Vault (2016 September).
Larry D. Wall. "'Smart Contracts' in a Complex World." Notes from the Vault (2016 July).
Larry D. Wall. "TAF: The Cure-All for Stigma?." Notes from the Vault (2016 June).
Larry D. Wall. "Getting a Grip on Liquidity: Conference Takeaways." Notes from the Vault (2016 May).
Larry D. Wall. "Ending Too Big to Fail: Lessons from Continental Illinois." Notes from the Vault (2016 April).
Larry D. Wall. "Financing the Fed's Balance Sheet: Implications for the Treasury." Notes from the Vault (2015 December).
Larry D. Wall. "The Role of Liquidity in the Financial System." Notes from the Vault (2015 November).
Larry D. Wall. "Using Market Information for Fail-Safe Supervisory Triggers." Notes from the Vault (2015 October).
Larry D. Wall. "Large, Complex Financial Regulation." Notes from the Vault (2015 August).
Maria J. Nieto and Larry D. Wall. "Breaking Down Geographic Barriers on Banks: U.S. and EU Recent Experiences." Notes from the Vault (2015 July).
Larry D. Wall. "The Change in the FDIC Assessment Base." Notes from the Vault (2015 April).
Larry D. Wall. "Who Will Be Central to the Financial System?." Notes from the Vault (2015 March).
Larry D. Wall. "Liquidity Regulation and Financial Stability." Notes from the Vault (2015 February).
Larry D. Wall. "The Impact of Regulation on Monetary Policy." Notes from the Vault (2015 January).
Larry D. Wall. "Nonbank Financial Firms and Financial Stability." Notes from the Vault (2014 November).
Larry D. Wall. "Should Financial Stability Be a Goal of Monetary Policy?." Notes from the Vault (2014 September).
Larry D. Wall. "Bail-in Debt: Will the Supervisors Pull the Trigger in Time?." Notes from the Vault (2014 August).
Larry D. Wall. "Was the Third Amendment to the GSE Bailouts Fair?." Notes from the Vault (2014 May).
Larry D. Wall. "Better but Still Imperfect Financial Information." Notes from the Vault (2014 April).
Larry D. Wall. "Have the Government-Sponsored Enterprises Fully Repaid the Treasury?." Notes from the Vault (2014 March).
Larry D. Wall. "Two Drivers of Financial Innovation?." Notes from the Vault (2014 February).
Larry D. Wall. "Simple Concept, Complex Regulation." Notes from the Vault (2014 January).
Larry D. Wall. "Basel III and Stress Tests." Notes from the Vault (2013 December).
Larry D. Wall. "Supervising Bank Compensation Policies." Notes from the Vault (2013 November).
Larry D. Wall. "SIFI Failure versus Financial System Failure." Notes from the Vault (2013 September).
Larry D. Wall. "FASB Proposes (Too?) Early Loan Loss Recognition." Notes from the Vault (2013 August).
Larry D. Wall. "Value at Risk: A Valuable Tool That Was Greatly Oversold." Notes from the Vault (2013 June).
Larry D. Wall. "Lessons from the Housing GSEs for Resolving Too Big to Fail." Notes from the Vault (2013 May).
Larry D. Wall. "Reflections on the 2013 Financial Markets Conference." Notes from the Vault (2013 April).
Larry D. Wall, W. Scott Frame, and Lawrence J. White. "Will Taxpayers Get a Truly Fair Deal with Housing Finance Reform?." Notes from the Vault (2013 March).
Larry D. Wall. "Three Individually Reasonable Decisions, One Unintended Consequence, and a Solution." Notes from the Vault (2011 May/June).
Larry D. Wall. "Too Big to Fail: No Simple Solutions." Notes from the Vault (2010 April).
Larry D. Wall. "Too Big to Fail after FDICIA." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2010 No1).
Alan K. Reichert, Larry D. Wall, and Hsin-Yu Liang. "The Final Frontier: The Integration of Banking and Commerce, Part 2: Risk and Return Using Efficient Portfolio Analysis." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2008 No2).
Larry D. Wall, Alan K. Reichert, and Hsin-Yu Liang. "The Final Frontier: The Integration of Banking and Commerce, Part 1: The Likely Outcome of Eliminating the Barrier." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2008 No1).
George J. Benston and Larry D. Wall. "How Should Banks Account for Loan Losses?" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2005 Q4).
Robert A. Eisenbeis and Larry D. Wall. "Reforming Deposit Insurance and FDICIA." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2002 Q1).
W. Scott Frame and Larry D. Wall. "Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's Voluntary Initiatives: Lessons from Banking." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2002 Q1).
W. Scott Frame and Larry D. Wall. "Financing Housing through Government-Sponsored Enterprises." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2002 Q1).
Alan K. Reichert and Larry D. Wall. "The Potential for Portfolio Diversification in Financial Services." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2000 Q3).
Douglas D. Evanoff and Larry D. Wall. "Subordinated Debt as Bank Capital: A Proposal for Regulatory Reform." Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Economic Perspectives (2000 Q2).
Larry D. Wall and Timothy W. Koch. "Bank Loan-Loss Accounting: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2000 Q2).
Larry D. Wall and Pamela P. Peterson. "The Choice of Capital Instruments." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1998 Q2).
Larry D. Wall. "Taking Note of the Deposit Insurance Fund: A Plan for the FDIC to Issue Capital Notes." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1997 Q1).
Larry D. Wall and Pamela P. Peterson. "Banks' Responses to Binding Regulatory Capital Requirements." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1996 No2).
Larry D. Wall. "Some Lessons from Basic Finance for Effective Socially Responsible Investing." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1995 No1).
Sheila L. Tschinkel and Larry D. Wall. "Some Lessons from Finance for State and Local Government Development Programs." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1994 No1).
Sunil Mohanty, Alan K. Reichert, and Larry D. Wall. "Deregulation and the Opportunities for Commercial Bank Diversification." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1993 No5).
Sunil Mohanty, Alan K. Reichert, and Larry D. Wall. "Too-Big-To-Fail after FDICIA." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1993 No1).
Stephen D. Smith and Larry D. Wall. "Financial Panics, Bank Failures and the Role of Regulatory Policy." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1992 No1).
Larry D. Wall. "Recourse Risk in Asset Sales." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1991 No5).
James E. McNulty, John J. Pringle, and Larry D. Wall. "Capital Requirements for Interest Rate and Foreign-Exchange Hedges." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1990 No3).
Larry D. Wall. "Book Review of the Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking: The Glass-Steagal Act Revisited and Reconsidered." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1990 No2).
William C. Hunter and Larry D. Wall. "Bank Merger Motivations: A Review of the Evidence and An Examination of Key Target Bank Characteristics." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1989 No5).
Larry D. Wall. "A Plan for Reducing Future Deposit Insurance Losses: Puttable Subordinated Debt." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1989 No4).
Larry D. Wall. "Capital Requirements for Banks: A Look at the 1981 and 1988 Standards." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1989 No2).
Larry D. Wall. "Interest Rate Swaps: A Review of the Issues." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1988 No6).
Larry D. Wall. "Leverage Ratios of Domestic Nonfinancial Corporations." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1988 No3).
Larry D. Wall. "Commercial Bank Profitability: Some Disturbing Trends." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1987 No2).
Larry D. Wall. "Nonbank Activities and Risk." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1986 October).
Larry D. Wall. "Profits in '85: Large Banks Gain While Others Continue to Lag." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1986 August/September).
Larry D. Wall. "Regulation of Banks' Equity Capital." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1985 November).
Larry D. Wall. "Profitability: S.E. Banks Fare Better Than Most." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1985 June/July).
Larry D. Wall. "Affiliated Bank Capital." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1985 April).
Harold D. Ford and Larry D. Wall. "Money Market Account Competition." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1984 December).
Larry D. Wall. "Insulating Banks from Nonbank Affiliates." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1984 September).
Larry D. Wall. "Commercial Bank Profitability in 1983." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1984 June).
Robert A. Eisenbeis and Larry D. Wall. "Risk Considerations in Deregulating Bank Activities." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1984 May).
Larry D. Wall. "The Future of Deposit Insurance: An Analysis of the Insuring Agencies' Proposals." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1984 March).
Larry D. Wall. "The Future of Deposit Insurance: The Insuring Agencies Proposals." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1984 January).
Larry D. Wall. "Why Are Some Banks More Profitable? A Statistical Cost Analysis." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1983 October).
Larry D. Wall. "Why Are Some Banks More Profitable?" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1983 September).
Larry D. Wall. "Commercial Bank Profits: Southeastern Banks Fare Well" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1983 July).
Larry D. Wall. "Will Bank Capital Adequacy Restrictions Slow the Development of Interstate Banking?" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (1983 May).
Oz Shy, Larry Wall, "The Importance of Digital Payments to Financial Inclusion," macroblog. November 9, 2020.
Larry Wall, "Private and Central Bank Digital Currencies," macroblog. November 21, 2019.
Larry Wall, "Mapping the Financial Frontier at the Financial Markets Conference," macroblog. June 24, 2019.
Larry Wall, "Cryptocurrency and Central Bank E-Money," macroblog. November 29, 2018.
Larry Wall. "Learning about an ML-Driven Economy," macroblog. May 31, 2018.
Larry Wall. "Financial Regulation: Fit for New Technologies?," macroblog. January 4, 2018.
Larry Wall. "Is Macroprudential Supervision Ready for the Future?," macroblog. January 3, 2018.
Larry Wall. "The Impact of Extraordinary Policy on Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates," macroblog. December 16, 2016.
Larry Wall. "Forecasting Loan Losses for Stress Tests," macroblog. August 11, 2016.
Larry Wall. "Putting the MetLife Decision into an Economic Context," macroblog. April 13, 2016.
Larry Wall. "In through the Out Door (and Back In): A Discussion of Industry Regulation." Economy Matters podcast. November 29, 2017.
Larry Wall. "To Fail or Not to Fail? A Discussion of Banking's 'Too Big to Fail' Problem." Economy Matters podcast. January 5, 2017.