Join experts from the Federal Reserve Board and New York University (NYU) as they share key findings from the Board's most recent Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED).
Federal Reserve Board Senior Economist Jeff Larrimore will discuss the survey's findings about recent trends on economic well-being, preparedness for financial emergencies, income volatility, and differences in outcomes by race and ethnicity. NYU Professor Jonathan Morduch and NYU Research Associate Julie Siwicki will draw on their expertise and provide insights about the implications of the survey's results on financial well-being. Familiarize yourself with the survey report and data, then register
for the August 11 webinar, which takes place at 3:00 p.m. ET. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.
These events are part of the Federal Reserve's Connecting Communities® series, a national initiative intended to provide community development practitioners, financial institution representatives, policymakers, and others with timely information on emerging and important community development topics.