Our research involves qualitative and quantitative studies, understanding program rules, and writing policy briefs and research reports. The research we are conducting is the foundation of all the products we develop.
Our research involves qualitative and quantitative studies, understanding program rules, and writing policy briefs and research reports. The research we are conducting is the foundation of all the products we develop.
Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Alvaro Sanchez. "Mitigating Benefits Cliffs: The Career MAP Program in Washington, DC." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Partners Update (October 4, 2023).
Brittany Birken, Austin McTier, Alexander Ruder, and Alvaro Sánchez. "The Potential of One Change." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Partners Update (August 1, 2023).
John Rees. "How Understanding Benefits Cliffs Can Help Employers Attract and Retain Talent." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Partners Update (March 7, 2023).
Brittany Birken and Alexander Ruder. "CLIFF Dashboard Evaluations: Insights from Three State Pilots." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Partners Update (August 30, 2022).
Elias Ilin and Ellyn Terry. "Estimating Occupation and Location Specific Wages over the Life Cycle." Business and Economic Research, pp. 46–60, May 2022.
Janelle Blackwood, Elias Ilin, and Misuzu Schexnider. "Exploring Benefits Cliffs in Illinois: CCAP as a Case Study." University of Chicago Inclusive Economy Lab policy brief, February 2022.
Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Ellyn Terry. "Guaranteed Income (GI) Dashboard: Visualizing Public Benefits Loss for Participants in GI Pilot Programs." Partners Update, (October 21, 2021).
Elias Ilin and Ellyn Terry. "Policy Rules Database: Visualizing the US Social Safety Net." Partners Update, August 24, 2021.
Brittany Birken and Ellyn Terry, "What Can Be Done about the Childcare Benefits Cliff? A Case Study in Florida," Partners Update, June 21, 2021.
Elias Ilin, Alex Ruder, and Ellyn Terry. "The Racial Income Gap and Benefits Cliffs," Partners Update. September 18, 2020.
Elias Ilin, John Robertson, Alex Ruder, and Ellyn Terry. "Amid the COVID-19 Crisis, a Tale of Two Southeastern Cities," Partners Update. May 13, 2020.
Elias Ilin, John Robertson, Alex Ruder, and Ellyn Terry. "Amid the COVID-19 Crisis, a Tale of Two Cities," macroblog. April 9, 2020.
John Robertson, Alexander Ruder. "Do Higher Wages Mean Higher Standards of Living?" macroblog. January 16, 2020.
David Altig and Laurence J. Kotlikoff. "A Different Type of Tax Reform." macroblog. March 22, 2019.
Benefits Cliff Coaching with the Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF Tools: Implementation Evaluation of the National Pilot
Alexander Ruder and Ellyn Terry
Discussion Paper 2024-1 (May 2024)
Abstract | Full text (1,565 KB)
Mitigating Benefits Cliffs for Low-Income Families: District of Columbia Career Mobility Action Plan as a Case Study
Elias Ilin and Alvaro Sanchez
Discussion Paper 2023-1 (September 2023)
Abstract | Full text
Restructuring the Eligibility Policies of the Child Care and Development Fund to Address Benefits Cliffs and Affordability: Florida as a Case Study
Brittany Birken, Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Ellyn Terry
Discussion Paper 2021-1 (June 2021)
Abstract | Full text
Benefits Cliffs as a Barrier to Career Advancement for Low-Income Adults: Insights from Employment Services Providers
Alexander Ruder, Julie Siwicki, Ellyn Terry, and Tamilore Toyin-Adelaja
Discussion Paper 2020-2 (March 2020)
Abstract | Full text
Benefits Cliffs and the Financial Incentives for Career Advancement: A Case Study of the Health Care Services Career Pathway
David Altig, Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Ellyn Terry
Discussion Paper 2020-1 (January 2020)
Abstract | Full text
"CareerSource Florida partnership seeks to help workers and their employers understand 'benefits cliff'." Orlando Business Journal, May 31, 2022.
"Alabama, Atlanta Fed partner on new workforce development resource," Birmingham Business Journal, November 6, 2020.
"Alabama launches First-in-the-Nation Workforce Tool," WTVY 4, October 29, 2020.
"DAVID workforce development tool to help Alabama workers achieve self-sufficiency," Alabama Newscenter, October 26, 2020.
"State launches first-in-nation career tool," Alabama Daily News, October 23, 2020.
"Alabama announces online dashboard to aid people visualize new careers," Alabama Political Reporter, October 22, 2020.
"DAVID Tool Launches to Help Alabama Workers Achieve Self-Sufficiency," Selma Times-Journal, October 22, 2020.
"Tax Burden Equal to 70% Rate Crushes Americans Unable to Pay," Bloomberg Wealth, October 15, 2020.
"Tools to Help Low-Wage Workers Move up the Career Ladder." Hosted virtually by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May 24, 2022.
Inclusive and Resilient Recovery: Career Pathways to Household Financial Well-Being, hosted virtually by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, July 15, 2021
Reframing Benefits Cliffs: Solutions for an Inclusive Recovery, hosted virtually by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, October 15, 2020
Benefits Cliffs and Career Choice: Understanding the Financial Incentives for Career Advancement , Governor's Opportunity Summit, Montgomery, AL, January 16, 2020
"Get to Know Your Workforce": Discussing the Benefits Cliff, Economy Matters podcast, November 17, 2019
Benefits Cliffs and Career Choice: Understanding the Financial Incentives for Career Advancement , AASD/NASTA Annual Educational Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 26, 2019
Benefit Cliffs: An Exploration with the Atlanta Fed , Early Learning Coalition of Orange County and Orlando Economic Partnership, Orlando, FL, August 14, 2019
Workforce Development as a Driver of Economic Mobility , "Evening with the Fed" at the Birmingham Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Birmingham, AL, July 29, 2019
David Altig: 2019 Florida Business Leaders' Summit on Prosperity and Economic Opportunity, May 23, 2019, West Palm Beach, FL
David Altig: Investing in America's Workforce Conference, October 5, 2017, Austin, TX
Elias Ilin, Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Melinda Pitts, "Is Our Fiscal System Discouraging Marriage? A New Look at the Marriage Tax" NBER Working Paper No.30159, June 2022. https://www.nber.org/papers/w30159
Elias Ilin and Ellyn Terry, "Estimating Occupation- and Location-Specific Wages over the Life Cycle," Working Paper 2021-15, June 2021
David Altig, Alan J. Auerbach, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Elias Ilin, Victor Ye, "Marginal Net Taxation of Americans' Labor Supply," NBER Working Paper No. 27164.