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November 14, 2016
9:30 a.m. Coffee and continental breakfast
10:00 Welcome and introductory remarks
Dennis Lockhart, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Session 1
10:05 The Politics of Unconvential Monetary Policy: The Swiss Case [Presentation PDF document]
Thomas Moser, Alternate Member of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank
General discussion
10:50 Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing with Yield Curve Control [Presentation PDF document]
Shigenori Shiratsuka, Director-General, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan
11:20 General discussion
11:35 Brian Doyle, Senior Adviser, Board of Governors
12:05 p.m. General discussion
12:20 Lunch
Session 2
1:20 Canada's Inflation Target Renewal  [Presentation PDF document]
Tim Lane, Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada
1:50 General discussion
2:05 After the Storm: Developing a More Flexible Framework for Monetary Policy Implementation
Susan McLaughlin, Senor Vice President and Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
2:35 General discussion
2:50 Coffee Break
Session 3  
3:00 Balance Sheet Policies of the Fed: 1917 to 2015 [Presentation PDF document]
Ellis Tallman, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
3:30 General discussion
3:45 Alternative Policy Rates, Reserve Regimes, and Liquidity Provision [Presentation PDF document]

Paula Tkac, Vice President and Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
4:15 General discussion
4:30 Interpreting Central Bank Objectives: New Challenges to Old Ideas [Presentation PDF document]

Dave Altig, Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
5:00 Roundtable Discussion
All participants of Day Ahead meeting
6:00 Reception and dinner