The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta produces a variety of publications and other materials dealing with economic and financial topics. These appeal to a wide range of readers, from students and teachers of economics to bankers, business people, and professional economists.


Components of a Sound Credit Risk Management Program pdf document describes aspects of an effective risk management program, starting from the loan policy, which is the foundation of such a program, and including credit underwriting standards for commercial and consumer loans and a list of common lending mistakes.

Crisis Preparedness: Reconnecting the Financial Lifeline  is a video that covers crisis preparedness issues of interest to bankers and first responders.

Director's Guide to Credit  helps directors assess credit proposals. Intended for use as a quick-reference tool, it explains common financial ratios, suggests credit memo considerations for various types of loans, and identifies some early warning signs of problem loans, among other topics.

The Director's Primer: Guide to Management Oversight and Banking Regulation  Español 

Facing the Risk of Foreclosure  provides answers to provides answers to frequently asked questions on foreclosure prevention.

A Guide for Specialized Credit Activities  describes aspects of sound lending programs for consumer, commercial real estate, and asset-based lending. The brochure describes recommended components of loan policies for all three types of lending, risk controls for commercial real estate lending, and more.

Highlights of the Supervisory Process for Community Banking Organizations  describes the supervisory responsibilities of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Supervision and Regulation Division for its state member banks.

Overview of the Components of an Effective Audit Function  provides audit-related information to directors and managers responsible for internal audit programs. It includes supervisory expectations to consider when developing the audit policy and audit committee charter.

Community and Economic Development

Community AffairsOff-site link in the Federal Reserve System provides an overview of the Federal Reserve System's Community Affairs program.

Community Reinvestment: Does Your Bank Measure Up? describes how the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) affects the way banks and thrifts serve their communities' credit needs. The booklet outlines factors that regulators use to rate a bank's CRA performance and tells where to find information on a bank's rating.

Discussion Papers address emerging and critical issues in community development. Our goal is to provide information on topics that will be useful to the many actors involved in community development—governments, nonprofits, financial institutions, and beneficiaries.

Facing the Risk of Foreclosure  provides answers to frequently asked questions on foreclosure prevention.

Partners Update is an electronic compilation of short articles that address community and economic development trends, issues, and events. Team members from the Atlanta Fed’s community and economic development department author the articles, which are published on a continual basis.

Consumer Information

A Guide to Your First Bank Account describes the advantages of having a bank account, outlining the types of accounts available and how to open and manage an account. The brochure also answers some basic questions about information security, privacy protection, and banking resources for non-English speakers.

Paying for It provides information about the most common methods of making payments and describes the Federal Reserve's role in the nation's payment system. The document describes how checks and electronic payments work and discusses how currency is processed and distributed. Available only online.

Research and Data

Economy Matters is an online publication featuring a broad range of insightful economic articles, news, and research. The magazine also offers engaging podcasts, quizzes, bold original photography, videos, and more. It is published in real time and features several articles each month. Economy Matters fills and expands the role of EconSouth, which is no longer being published.

The Atlanta Fed papers series present our scholarly research. Working Papers present the research of Atlanta Fed staff economists and visiting scholars, and Community Affairs discussion papers address topical issues in community development.  RSS feed RSS

CenFIS Working Papers feature the research of visiting scholars and distinguished economists. The papers are intended to stimulate professional discussion about financial innovation and financial stability and associated policies.

CenFIS's Notes from the Vault examines topics surrounding financial stability and innovation, banking and supervision, and international finance. The articles are intended to stimulate discussion of these topics and place them in a context for nonspecialists.

CQER Working Papers feature the research of visiting scholars and distinguished economists. The papers are intended to stimulate professional discussion and exploration of quantitative economic research.

Economic Review, a policy research journal, ceased publication with the final 2010 issue. Articles from 1996 through 2010 are available online.


Katrina's Classroom: Financial Lessons from a Hurricane is a free video-based curriculum designed to teach middle school and high school students and their parents the importance of being financially prepared. The curriculum focuses on financial responsibilities such as budgeting, banking, savings, and wise use of credit. The videos, an English/Spanish transcript, and lesson plans can be downloaded or ordered as a DVD/CD set.

About Federal Reserve

The Atlanta Fed's annual reports highlight the work of the Atlanta Fed over the preceding year. Reports before 2012 were printed publications, and many of these are available online on our website in PDF. Beginning in 2011, we have published online-only annual reports. These contain topical essays, dynamic charts, and videos and imagery, as well as links to the Bank's financial statements and lists of our current directors and officers.

A History of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta: 1914-1989 provides a detailed review of the Bank's first 75 years. Through personal recollections and official bank records, author Richard H. Gamble recounts the Atlanta Fed's evolution in response to developments in the region, nation, and financial services industry. Available only online.

The Atlanta Fed in the Modern Era (1989–2014): A quarter century ago, the Atlanta Fed presented the first 75 years of its history. Now, discover the last 25 years of our history through images, essays, and videos chronicling the Bank's evolution through the modern era: 1989 to 2014.

Federal Reserve Structure and Functions outlines the organizational structure of the Federal Reserve System and describes the Fed's major functions, including the formulation of monetary policy, bank supervision and regulation, and services to depository institutions and the federal government. The booklet also gives a short history of the Federal Reserve's evolution and explains the significance of central bank independence. 20 pages.


Fed in PrintOff-site link
An index to all Federal Reserve System published economic research, 1987–present.