Basel III and Stress Tests
Larry D. Wall
December 2013
The United States is now committed to the use of two complex and relatively costly measures of capital adequacy: Basel III and stress tests. As currently designed, stress tests could mitigate weaknesses in Basel III's measures of capital and credit risk.
Supervising Bank Compensation Policies
Larry D. Wall
November 2013
Even bankers agree that the compensation structure in the financial services industry was one of the causes of the financial crisis. A recent conference at the Atlanta Fed considered various aspects of banks' compensation policies and regulatory guidance.
SIFI Failure versus Financial System Failure
Larry D. Wall
September 2013
The Financial Stability Oversight Council's recent designation of two nonbank firms as SIFIs likely reduces the expected cost of their failure. However, reducing the expected cost of financial system failure will require a broader focus.
FASB Proposes (Too?) Early Loan Loss Recognition
Larry D. Wall
August 2013
The Financial Accounting Standards Board proposes to give investors more accurate information about expected loan losses, but at the cost of systematically understating the value of unimpaired loans. An economist takes a look at FASB's proposal.
Reducing Systemic Risk or Merely Transforming It?
Paula Tkac
July 2013
Over-the-counter derivatives participants are now required to post higher quality collateral to satisfy the Dodd-Frank Act clearing requirements. Whether the resulting reshuffling of collateral will reduce systemic risk remains unclear.
Value at Risk: A Valuable Tool That Was Greatly Oversold
David M. Rowe
June 2013
Measuring financial risk continues to be a challenge after the financial crisis. Here's a look at one widely used tool, value at risk, exploring both its usefulness and limitations.
Lessons from the Housing GSEs for Resolving Too Big to Fail
Larry D. Wall
May 2013
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are back in the headlines, their future under debate. Here are three important lessons these GSEs can provide to policymakers seeking to end too big to fail.
Reflections on the 2013 Financial Markets Conference
Larry D. Wall
April 2013
The Atlanta Fed conference recently brought together economists, academics, and leaders of financial firms to discuss various issues related to financial stability. Here's a look at one presenter's perspective and some alternative views.
Will Taxpayers Get a Truly Fair Deal with Housing Finance Reform?
Larry D. Wall, W. Scott Frame, and Lawrence J. White
March 2013
Since the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the financial crisis, a number of groups have issued proposals to replace the two government-sponsored enterprises. But will taxpayers get a fair deal in the exchange?
Notes from the Vault was on hiatus after the March/April 2012 post; it restarted in March 2013.
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