Join researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from across the country interested in economic policy and development in low- and moderate-income communities at the 10th annual Policy Summit on June 28–29. Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the summit will focus on effective strategies to strengthen and rebuild communities, with educational sessions focused on the following topics:
- Analyses of programs and policies focused on current conditions in labor and housing markets
- Education policy
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial and human capital asset building
- Labor and housing issues in older industrial cities
- Long-term unemployment
- Loss-mitigation strategies for borrowers
- Low-income housing
- Program implementation, evaluation, and scalability
- Reduced local government and community development budgets
- Workforce development
This year's conference features Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President and CEO Sandra Pianalto as the opening keynote speaker. Award-winning journalist Alex Kotlowitz will provide closing remarks focused on addressing challenges in communities that have experienced significant disinvestment.
Register today on the Cleveland Fed's website.